Hello Everyone,
I’d like to start this month with a BIG ‘Thank You.’ Deatri put out an SOS and the authors came pouring out. It felt like Christmas, and believe me it came at just the right moment. I was seriously considering ending the blog.
The intent of the blog is to keep the RSJ family connected and up to date on what’s happening with the authors and readers. It was meant to be our bridge between visits. Deatri tells me that you’re stopping by, if you could say hello it would be most appreciated.
To the readers: This newsletter is for you. I would love to feature a reader each month along with the authors. As Dee would say, “Don’t be scuuuurd.” I won’t bite. Write me and let’s have some fun. davisdyanne@aol.com
To the authors: Again thank you for your support. I will notify you when your interviews will be up in the coming months.
Dyanne Davis
Saturday, August 1, 2009
An Interview with Shirley Hailstock
Hello Everyone, Dee here. Sorry, but this was supposed to go up last month. Boooooo, bad Dee, Bad Dee.
Shirley: I am so excited about two new books. The first is out now. It’s call Nine Months with Thomas and it’s the story of a surrogate mother. Thomas lost his wife two years ago. Prior to that they were undergoing fertility problems and had frozen embryos. Due to the efforts of his meddlesome in-laws he agrees to hire Meghan as a surrogate in order to fat
her his child. Life changes dramatically for the both of them. The book got a 4 ½ stars (out of 5) from Romantic Times BookClub Reviews.
Shirley: I received the highest honor from Fairleigh Dickinson University. I went to graduate school there. In 2008 I was selected as one of the recipients of their Pinnacle Award. Like I said, it’s the highest honor the university gives a previous graduate. The ceremony was wonderful and the aftermath of questions and congratulations was truly humbling. Recently they sent me a book of the program, including photos from that wonderful day.
And then the Black Alumni Association invited me to speak at one of their meetings. The place was packed and people stayed until the very end. I got a lot of great questions and people were eager to find out how to write a book.
Dyanne: Our next interview is with Shirley Hailstock. Good morning Shirley. Thanks for dropping in on the RSJ family so we can know what’s going on with you. How about if we began by playing catch-up. Anything exciting happening with you?

her his child. Life changes dramatically for the both of them. The book got a 4 ½ stars (out of 5) from Romantic Times BookClub Reviews.
The second book I’m excited about is called The Right Wedding Gown. It’s the companion book the last year’s Right Guy, Wrong Dress. The Right Wedding Gown is Samara’s story. She’s the sister of the heroine in Right Guy, Wrong Dress. Strongly superstitious, Samara believes that marriage inevitably ends in divorce and she’s not willing to take the chance on marriage. But everywhere she turns she’s confronted by something involving a wedding, including opening a grab bag (actually a trunk) and finding a vintage wedding gown. And then there’s Justin McKenna, who’s set his sights on Samara. All he needs to do is convince her to take a chance on him. The Clayton series had ended. The five books have been published. I appreciate all the fa
n mail I received asking for more stories in this series. I will be starting a new series soon.

Dyanne: You’re definitely staying busy. Congratulations. Is there anything else going on?
Shirley: I have a book coming out in February 2010 that’s a little departure from my usual romances. The title is still being determined. Right now I’m calling it Amber. This is the story of a 28 year old who’s looking to her future and deciding to do something about her marital state. She’s going to find a man – a rich man, marry and settle into the life of country clubs and afternoon luncheons with the girls. Things don’t go quite according to plan when she discovers the man she’s most attracted to has nowhere near the net worth she requires. But there is a man who can satisfy all but the most basic of her requirements. With him she’s not in love.
Dyanne: Amber sounds interesting I’m sure the RSJ family can’t wait for it. Are there any other projects you’re working on for the future?
Shirley: I’m writing proposals for sale to my editors for new books. I have a new romance series I want to start involving a family of department store owners. I also have several women’s fiction stories in the works that I’m about to send to my agent. Hopefully, they will find a home.
Dyanne: Shirley, are there any awards you’ve won that you’re particularly proud of?

And then the Black Alumni Association invited me to speak at one of their meetings. The place was packed and people stayed until the very end. I got a lot of great questions and people were eager to find out how to write a book.
Dyanne: I love hearing about the many fantastic things that are happening with the RSJ authors. A little birdie told me about another award you’re up for. Care to share?
Shirley: I recently received this news and I am so excited. My book Wrong Dress, Right Guy is a finalist for the National Readers Choice Award. They announce the winners at the Romance Writers of America Conference. The conference is in July in Washington, DC. I’ll be on pins and needles until then.
Dyanne: We’ll all be sending you good thoughts that you win. Now it’s time to have some fun. What is the craziest thing that has ever happened to you in your career?
Shirley: A friend whose first book was coming out asked me to do a book signing with her. I didn't want to do it. I hate sitting in a mall smiling at everyone who passes and directing them to the bathroom or someone else's book. But she's a good friend and I agreed. At the book signing, a person comes over looks at me and my book and starts to scream my name. She was so thrilled to see me, it was embarrassing. She hugged me, jumped up and down and proclaimed to all that could hear how great my books were. Consequently, I sold out in no time.
And my friend says -- "And you don't want to do book signing..."
And my friend says -- "And you don't want to do book signing..."
Dyanne: What is your most decadent (G rated) wish?
Shirley: To be on the lists, all of them, the NYT, Essence Bestseller, USA Today (at the top of course), Washington Post, Los Angeles Times. I have a small note on my computer saying "You are writing a bestseller."
Dyanne: Shirley, thank you for the interview. Again I wish you lots of luck in July. Where can the readers reach you?
Dyanne: Shirley, thank you for the interview. Again I wish you lots of luck in July. Where can the readers reach you?
Shirley: I’m working on a New Website. I finally bought my name to have an easier website for people to find and get the latest news. I’m designing it and it’s taking longer than I expected but soon you’ll able to find out about my book with a new and greater look, not to mention more bandwidth. Until then readers can reach me at my personal e-mail address, Shirley.Hailstock@comcast.net
An Interview with Author Iris Bolling
Dyanne: Hello Iris, your work has been getting terrific reviews. Can you tell the RSJ family a little bit about yourself and bring us up to speed on your work.
Iris: Thank you, Dyanne, for this wonderful opportunity. As a new author it is difficult to make the right connections. RSJ has opened so many doors for me, from the chance to attend the cruise to the online seminars you offer. Also, I want to thank all of you for sharing your in dept knowledge. Anyhooo, as Deatri say's, I was born the daughter of a share cropper --oh wait, that's not the story you want. LOL! I'm from Richmond, VA. I
lived in Morristown, NJ during my high school years. I wrote The Heart Series in 2005 but did not publish it until 2009. The Heart Series is a collection of six novels telling the story of JD Harrison rise from the Assistant District Attorney in Richmond, VA to President of the United States. The first novel Once You've Touched The Heart, tells how he met and fell in love with his wife Tracy. This novel has been very well accepted by women and men. The male following was a surprise because it is a romance novel. But hey, I'm not complaining. The second novel, The Heart of Him was release in November 2009 and tells the love story of JD's sister, Ashley Harrison and his campaign manager, James Brooks. The third novel of the series, Look Into My Heart, was just release June 2009. It tells the story of Cynthia Thornton, Ashley and Tracy's friend and Samuel Lassiter, who becomes a part of JD' security team. The remaining novels will be released at the end of 2009 through the middle of 2010.

Dyanne: All of the stories sound interesting. Yeah to getting men interested. That gives me a nice segue into the next question. Writing is a crazy business. Can you share the craziest thing that has happened to you since you began a writing career?
Iris: Not a lot of crazy things yet. Except the woman that keeps telling me - better not let Bria
n and Tracy have an affair. (You know who you are-VW). I do anticipate a number of crazy things to happen on the cruise in April. Ask me that question this time next year, I'm sure I will have quite a few ans wers then.

Dyanne: LOL. Now, I'm going to have to read the books for sure just to see why Brian and Tracy can't have an affair. So, Iris, tell us, What is your most decadent (G-rated) wish.
Iris: Since I have to keep this clean-- I would like to have my series made into a TV series, have all creative rights and the right to do the screen test with each of the leading men that I personally select.(I'm just joking, sweetie). Or, have the opportunity to sit down with Beverly Jenkins, Brenda Jackson, Francis Ray and Julie Garwood to pick their brains on how to be successful in this business. Oh and one more thing--to have someone else write all my query letters and synopsis for submission to publishing houses. Now that would really be nice--:-).
Dyanne: I really love the part about having someone else write the queries and synopsis. Iris, where's the place that you call home where the RSJ family can reach you?
Iris: You can find me at http://www.irisbolling.com/ – http://www.sirient.com/ – MySpace, Facebook or Twitter. I encourage anyone to contact me with questions or comments about the novels, I enjoy feedback. The not to good, helps me to improve and the really good keeps me motivated.
Dyanne: Thanks so much, Iris, for allowing us to get to know you.
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