Dyanne: Over the next few months and probably forever we’re going to give you a little info about some of the writers of African American romances. While it might seem that I’m playing favorites and beginning with friends, consider this: I was given a deadline to make the next edition and of the Romance Slam Jam newsletter and, of course, since I procrastinate I had to call on people that I actually call and talk to and beg them, come on, please. LOL. So authors, get ready to get an email from me. We’re going to try to feature every single author. Also if you have books that will be coming out, please let us know. We try to keep up but someone’s new release can get missed. We’re still looking for all debut authors of AA romance to present to the readers. So without further ado, I give you Barbara Keaton.
Barbara Keaton, a native of Chicago, who thinks it's the best in the world, also enjoys writing. Her first diary is dated December 1975! And since then, Barbara has written articles for Today's Black Woman Magazine, Chicago Reader, Chicago Crusader and True Confessions. In addition, Barbara is an accomplished romance author. Barbara credits her late grandfather, Thomas Hill, and the Oblate Sisters of Providence for instilling in her a love and passion for the written word.
Barb will have a new romance coming out with Parker Publishing in Oct of this year, One in A Million.
Dyanne: Barb, can you tell us a little about, One in a Million?
Barb: You know, Dyanne that story for me began more than seven years ago. It started off being a story that was in Homeland Hero. You know how it happens, the characters laid dormant for years. We as authors create many characters in our head who may sit on the shelves until It’s their time to come out. This was the time for the characters. I really enjoyed writing the story and hope the readers will enjoy it also.
Dyanne: I know that you partied with the queen of the vampire huntress series, Ms. L.A. Banks who just happens to be the keynote speaker of RSJ 09. I’m so sorry that I missed her and the rest of the team this year. For the second year you’ve been a member of the guardian team. Any thoughts on that?
Barb: It’s so heartwarming to watch a sister step out and create stories about people with flaws, yet they all have faith. Then you sit there and you go, ‘Wow’ I’m sitting here with the person who’s creating history.
Dyanne: I’m so in agreement with you Barb. It also doesn’t hurt that we both got a mention in her new book. YEAH! Okay last question. I happen to know that you’ve been working several years with women who’ve been in abusive relationships. Seeing as how the majority of the readership of this newsletter are women and many of us have known women in such relationships I think it would be nice to know what you’re doing with the organization next.
Barb: This Oct. 18th a core group of Chicago authors will come together to raise money to provide support services to women in abusive relationships. I believe spousal abuse still remains a part of America’s dirty little secret and doesn’t get the attention it deserves. We’re hoping to double the amount we raised last year. This year we’re honored to have Rochelle Allers as out guest speaker. Anyone in the Chicago area who’d like to be a part of this give me a holler at BNewell572@aol.com Readers can visit my site at www.Barbara Keaton.com
Dyanne: Thanks Barb.
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