Dyanne: Hi Lisa G. Congratulations on your book Simply Wicked and your anthology piece in Zane’s Honey Flava. I hear they’re doing really well. I bet you’re nervous, wondering what crazy questions I’m going to ask you, so here goes: As a PR person you have been given the go ahead to take ONE writer to the top (and it can’t be you unless you can figure out a way to get rid of your client) So how are you going to take that client to the top? Or are you going to get rid of them? LOL
Lisa: Actually, that’s a difficult question. It would depend on what the client’s book is about. For instance, say a client sets a book in London. One idea would be to fly that client to London and have her do signings at the various places she may have mentioned in the book. Of course, a contest would be in order as well. That could be anything: answers to questions about the client or her book, or sending in proof of purchase—your receipt—of the client’s book, etc. After a random drawing, the winner could receive an all expense paid trip to London for two. The contest would be announced during commercials of shows with heavy female viewership (Good Morning America, The Today Show, etc.), or better yet, get that author on one of those shows, and get her interviewed by newspapers. There would also be a contest in London, with the winner being given a special meeting with that author and maybe a shopping spree in London, I don’t know…but it would be something fabulous! And of course, I like the idea of the proof of purchase contest idea the best!
Dyanne: I hope everyone’s taking note on the good ideas you’ve given. Since you didn’t kill off your client, I’ll give you a chance to do something fun. What one totally selfish thing would you like to do for Lisa?
Lisa: I don’t know if this could be called selfish since I only have myself to worry about at this point in my life, but I’d like to take myself off to Paris and London for a year or so. You know, a couple of my books (Simply Wicked and Caught Up in the Rapture), are at least partially set in those cities—one in each of them. I just love them!
Dyanne: You’re right; that’s not VERY selfish. I hope you get to live your dream. On the writing front, what are your future plans?
Lisa: I have a completed manuscript that I’m hoping will be picked up soon by a publisher. It’s called Do Me Right, and is about an engaged couple who already lives together and have planned their wedding. The only problem is that one of them doesn’t show up for the wedding. The book follows the two as they try to navigate the problems of their relationship. It sounds serious, I know, but there’s a lot of humor in it. I’m also working on All or Nothing at All, a romantic suspense about a woman in search of a valuable instrument from her father’s estate. She’s not the only one chasing it: the FBI, assorted criminals and the DEA are after it as well. And while she’s chasing clues across the globe, her man is chasing her, trying to pin her down for a commitment.
Dyanne: Thanks Lisa. Where can readers reach you?
Lisa: Thank you, Dyanne, and you’re welcome. My website is http://www.lisagriley.com/ and my e-mail address is lisa@lisagriley.com
Lisa: Actually, that’s a difficult question. It would depend on what the client’s book is about. For instance, say a client sets a book in London. One idea would be to fly that client to London and have her do signings at the various places she may have mentioned in the book. Of course, a contest would be in order as well. That could be anything: answers to questions about the client or her book, or sending in proof of purchase—your receipt—of the client’s book, etc. After a random drawing, the winner could receive an all expense paid trip to London for two. The contest would be announced during commercials of shows with heavy female viewership (Good Morning America, The Today Show, etc.), or better yet, get that author on one of those shows, and get her interviewed by newspapers. There would also be a contest in London, with the winner being given a special meeting with that author and maybe a shopping spree in London, I don’t know…but it would be something fabulous! And of course, I like the idea of the proof of purchase contest idea the best!
Dyanne: I hope everyone’s taking note on the good ideas you’ve given. Since you didn’t kill off your client, I’ll give you a chance to do something fun. What one totally selfish thing would you like to do for Lisa?
Lisa: I don’t know if this could be called selfish since I only have myself to worry about at this point in my life, but I’d like to take myself off to Paris and London for a year or so. You know, a couple of my books (Simply Wicked and Caught Up in the Rapture), are at least partially set in those cities—one in each of them. I just love them!
Dyanne: You’re right; that’s not VERY selfish. I hope you get to live your dream. On the writing front, what are your future plans?
Lisa: I have a completed manuscript that I’m hoping will be picked up soon by a publisher. It’s called Do Me Right, and is about an engaged couple who already lives together and have planned their wedding. The only problem is that one of them doesn’t show up for the wedding. The book follows the two as they try to navigate the problems of their relationship. It sounds serious, I know, but there’s a lot of humor in it. I’m also working on All or Nothing at All, a romantic suspense about a woman in search of a valuable instrument from her father’s estate. She’s not the only one chasing it: the FBI, assorted criminals and the DEA are after it as well. And while she’s chasing clues across the globe, her man is chasing her, trying to pin her down for a commitment.
Dyanne: Thanks Lisa. Where can readers reach you?
Lisa: Thank you, Dyanne, and you’re welcome. My website is http://www.lisagriley.com/ and my e-mail address is lisa@lisagriley.com
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