Dyane Davis: Beverly, we both know you need no introduction to the Romance Slam Jam family, but I’ll bet there are still a few secrets you can share. Hmm. Let’s see if we can’t come up with something. Okay, I have it, what's the craziest thing you've ever had to happen in your career?
Bevery Jenkins: Ok, Craziest thing to ever happen was to look up and see Attorney Johnnie Cochran walking into one of my signings. He'd come to get a book for his wife. I'd just stuffed a big peanut butter cookie in my mouth, so I'm trying to be cool and not scream and hold an intelligent conversation while mumbling around this cookie. I'm sure he thought I was insane!
DD: You know I’m also thinking that’s one of your historic moments considering Johnnie Cochran ’s most famous trial. Now how about if you share your most selfish decadent wish (G-rated)

BJ: Most selfish decadent wish? Hmm. Probably one last make me wanna holla love session with my late husband, then he can go back to playing golf in heaven.
DD: I have to tell you I love your wish though I’m sure your readers will quickly turn it into an X rating. LOL. So, what’s on your plate for 2009?
BJ: The plate for 09 is full. The reissue of my two YAs Belle and Josephine for Kimani Tru . Bring on the Blessings - my first women's fiction and faith based novel hits stores late January. The 15th anniversary reissue of my very first novel Night Song in May; a novella project for Kimani due sometime this summer, and the release of my newest historical Captured from Avon in the fall. This is also a BJPJ party year. Lordy! I'm tired just thinking about all this, AND have 2 books to write this year for publication in 2010.

DD: WOW! You are busy and thank you again from taking the time from your busy schedule to play along and send a holla to the RSJ family. One last question. Where can readers reach you?
BJ: Readers can contact me at indigo@beverlyjenkins.net or via my po box-
PO BOX 1893
Belleville MI
Thanks Dyanne.
Hi, Dyane and Beverly. Great interview, ladies!
Beverly, I loved Belle! I read it when it first came out and recommended it to several friends. I look forward to reading the reissue of Josephine, as well as Captured and Bring on the Blessings.
Congratulations on the 15th anniversary of Night Song. Wow! Has it been 15 years already? I can wax poetic on how Night Song enriched me, but I won't fill up the posting that way. :) I look forward to seeing the cover treatment for the 15th anniversary reissue. Do you have any events planned to commemorate the occasion?
Congratulations on your success, and good luck with your writing schedule.
Patricia Sargeant
Hey Dyanne and Ms. Bev...
Y'all forgot to talk about the BJ pajama Party.. Dyanne I hope you can make it ... I've been saving pennies since the last one...
Luv the new cover for Night Song...
"The Hong Kong Connection" is a legal thriller about a gutsy female attorney who takes on high ranking International officials. It's a taut, rollercoaster of a ride from New York to Palm Beach to Washington D.C. to Hong Kong. The plot is expertly woven, the characters persuasive, and the dialogue snappy and spot on.
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