Dyanne: Laura, You've just won an award for best writer on Earth. Let us hear your (SHORT) acceptance speech.
Laura: As my name is called out for best writer on Earth, I sit frozen in disbelief. I mean a Pulitzer, maybe but best writer, I am completely overwhelmed. Walking up on to the stage, my brain is frantically looking for something to say. Accepting my award, I am silent for a second, composing myself. “There are no words to describe the honor in receiving this award. I…I just want to
thank everyone who voted for me. For the fans who read and buy my work, thank for you for making it possible for me to continue to do what I love.” For a writer my speech would be so total boring :-)
Dyanne: Laura, I totally loved your speech. Congratulation on the award. Let’s see how you handle the next question. You've now been asked to represent Earth on another planet of your choosing. Which planet will it be and what three items will you carry with you?

Dyanne: Laura, I totally loved your speech. Congratulation on the award. Let’s see how you handle the next question. You've now been asked to represent Earth on another planet of your choosing. Which planet will it be and what three items will you carry with you?
Laura: Well if men are from Mars and women are from Venus, I would like to go to Mars ;-)
Hmmm…let’s see I would take a camera to take pictures of everything, a suitcase filled with my favorite things to give to them as gifts (and then I will bring it back filled with lots and lots of souvenirs), and hot sauces. Yes hot sauce because I add it on pretty much everything I can.
Hmmm…let’s see I would take a camera to take pictures of everything, a suitcase filled with my favorite things to give to them as gifts (and then I will bring it back filled with lots and lots of souvenirs), and hot sauces. Yes hot sauce because I add it on pretty much everything I can.
Dyanne: Since I love hot sauce I’m glad to know they have it on Mars. (Smile) Now you’re home and because of the way you represented our planet I have the power to grant you one wish. What is your one wish? (G-rated)
Laura: This one is a toughie…just one wish and it has to be G-rated. Well let's see everyone always says they want money, to be famous, or whatnot but I would love to have along happy, healthy, and productive life. Does that constitute of more than one wish? If so I will simply ask for a billion dollars.
Dyanne: I’ve had so much fun with your answers. Thank you for playing along. What's on your plate for the future?
Laura: I have several WIPs that I am in the process of finishing. One will be published through Beautiful Trouble Publishing and several short stories can be found in Shara Azod’s Naughty Bites.
I will also be finishing some projects with Drea Riley my writing partner in crime. So there will be plenty more stories from me in the near future.
Dyanne: I’m sure the RSJ family can’t wait for you finish your projects so they can read them. Now tell us how can readers find you?
Laura: They can find me chatting on drea_riley_and_laura_guevara@yahoogroups.com
http://www.lauraguevara.com/ (Website that I share with my writing partner Drea Riley. And its going to be going some updates soon) http://www.badazzauthors.com/ (Learn more about the great authors of the BAA) http://www.redrosepublishing.com/ (Where Weekend Chase, can be purchased)
http://www.lauraguevara.com/ (Website that I share with my writing partner Drea Riley. And its going to be going some updates soon) http://www.badazzauthors.com/ (Learn more about the great authors of the BAA) http://www.redrosepublishing.com/ (Where Weekend Chase, can be purchased)
My email is Laura.Guevara.08@gmail.com
Dyanne: Laura, once again thank you. You were a lot of fun.
omg, the fact that you had an answer about which planet...i love you Texans...I do...great interview Laura. Um, if you get a billion dollars, can you buy us a Krispy Kreme...smile
J and J
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