Our next interview is with RaeLynn Blue. Hello RaeLynn. Thank you for stopping by to acquaint the Romance Slam Jam family with you.
RayLynn: Hello Dyanne!
RayLynn: Hello Dyanne!
Dyanne: I know you write fantasy. I could do with a bit of fantasy right about now. Can you write me one in a couple of lines?
RayLynn: Sweat, throat dry, and heart heaving as the rush of pleasure downgraded from furious to flushing warmth, Dyanne moaned, body singing in the afterglow. With a breath across her empty right hand, a tall glass of ice water appeared, courtesy of the handsome, glistening and very delectable shifter on her right. Even beneath the soft hush of twilight, his grin spoke of his pleasure--and hinted at more to come.
Dyanne: I loved that. I’m still fanning. Thank you. I also know you write sci -fi. Place me in one of your worlds and tell me what my reaction would be.
RayLynn: "Where the hell am I and what it that awful smell?"Dyanne said, as the reeking odor of sour, old beer wafted through the bog of sweaty bodies. The Cat’s Meow remained the sole bar on this side of the moon that hadn’t been closed due to incompetence. The raging colony war continued to chew up the chalky dust covered surface of the moon with regularity. She met the eyes of a hot, sexy soldier at the bar. He gestured to the bartender for a glass of watered down, flaf beer. Let him bring the beer and his fine body on over to her. She wasn't here for the taste anyway--at least of the beer. The soldier, well that was debatable.
Dyanne: You’re very funny and very good at playing this game. I’m really enjoying this. So now, here on earth what is your most outlandish wish (G rated)
RayLynn: I wish to be infinitely brilliant and ultra sexy. Wait! Would that make me Tyra?
Dyanne: LOL. I have the power to grant that wish. Do you want me to or would there be another wish you'd like instead?
RayLynn: Hmmmm, no. I want to be awarded 1.83 billion dollars.
Dyanne: I’d love to know why the .83 billon but I won’t ask. Where can readers find you?
RayLynn: Readers can find me amongst the other BadAzz Authors (http://www.badazzauthors.com/) and at my own spot (http://raelynnblue.blogspot.com/
RaeLynn Blue
Dyanne: Thanks RaeLynn, you were really a lot of fun.
1 comment:
Hi, Dyanne and Raelynn.
Raelynn, I enjoy science fiction and fantasy as well. I look forward to reading your titles.
Best wishes for continued writing success!
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