First up is Farrah. Welcome Farrah. For the members of the family that may not be familiar with you yet, would you tell us a bit about yourself?
Farrah: I’m a native of southern Louisiana, a small town on the bayou, about 35 miles west of New Orleans. And even though I now reside in central Texas, I remain a Louisiana Girl at heart. I’m a graduate of Xavier University of Louisiana and Southeastern Louisiana University’s Graduate School. Much to my father’s chagrin, I only worked for a couple of years in a “real” job as a Human System Specialist for Shell Oil before leaving to pursue my dream of writing romance novels. It was the best decision I have ever made.
My favorite pastime is reading, of course, but I am also a huge sports fan. I adore Broadway music
als and have spent way too much money flying to New York to see shows. My newest addictions are the television show Glee and keeping up with the randomness of complete strangers’ lives on Twitter.
Dyanne: So, when did you decide to enter this insane world of writing?
My favorite pastime is reading, of course, but I am also a huge sports fan. I adore Broadway music

Dyanne: So, when did you decide to enter this insane world of writing?
Farrah: I’m sure readers get tired of hearing authors say they’ve been writing their entire lives, but that pretty much fits. Writing has always come easy for me. During my sophomore year of college, I decided to try my hand at writing a novel, and I’ve been penning stories ever since.
Dyanne: Tell us about your first book, the highs, the lows, and the unexpected.
Dyanne: Tell us about your first book, the highs, the lows, and the unexpected.
Farrah: The idea for my debut novel, DELIVER ME, came to me while driving. That’s actually where I’ve gotten several ideas. It is the first in a series about three brothers from New Orleans and features the middle brother, Elijah, who is an Ob-Gyn. The heroine, Monica, is an ER doctor who transfers to New Orleans in hopes of making a new start after being dumped by her boyfriend and passed over for a promotion at her previous job.
The highs and lows were pretty equal for this book. It was my first attempt at a single-title romance (I’d written three category-length romances that will probably never see the light of day), and I learned a lot about myself and what I was capable of doing.
As for the unexpected, well, as I mentioned, the book is based in New Orleans. I sold it to Dorchester Publishing in July 2005. A couple of months later, in August, Hurricane Katrina blew ashore and irrevocably changed The Big Easy. I was given the option of writing a letter to the readers, acknowledging that the book was written pre-Katrina, or completely revamping the novel to reflect a post-Katrina New Orleans (which, by the way, was changing everyday at the time). I knew there were two additional books in the series, so I took the harder route and revamped the entire book. It was certainly an interesting experience.
As for the unexpected, well, as I mentioned, the book is based in New Orleans. I sold it to Dorchester Publishing in July 2005. A couple of months later, in August, Hurricane Katrina blew ashore and irrevocably changed The Big Easy. I was given the option of writing a letter to the readers, acknowledging that the book was written pre-Katrina, or completely revamping the novel to reflect a post-Katrina New Orleans (which, by the way, was changing everyday at the time). I knew there were two additional books in the series, so I took the harder route and revamped the entire book. It was certainly an interesting experience.
Dyanne: Wow, Farrah, you definitely took the harder route. If you could change one thing abou
t your writing career thus far what would it be?

Farrah: My career so far has been even more amazing than I expected. I can’t think of a single thing I’d want to change.
Dyanne: You have such a great outlook. Now for a game of what if. What if you could write your career in writing the way you would want it to be, give me the first line of your dream career.
Dyanne: You have such a great outlook. Now for a game of what if. What if you could write your career in writing the way you would want it to be, give me the first line of your dream career.
Farrah: New York Times Best-selling author Farrah Rochon was spotted lounging on the deck of her 80-foot yacht off the coast of Cape Hatteras
Dyanne: LOL. I like that. If you could have one wish (selfish) what would it be?
Dyanne: LOL. I like that. If you could have one wish (selfish) what would it be?
Farrah: Just one? A genie in a bottle gives you at least three wishes. But, I guess if I could only have one wish (beside having my family safe and secure), it would be to write stories well into my senior years. I love this job so much and could easily spend the next fifty years churning out stories.
Dyanne: That was such a good answer that I’ll give you two wishes next time. What are you working on?
Farrah: I just finished the third book in my New York Sabers series which is slated to be released in September 2011. I’m currently brainstorming the forth in the football series. I’m also working on separate three-book series set in a small, fictional Louisiana town.
Dyanne: How did you come up with your new series for Harlequin?
Farrah: That’s easy, I’m a football fanatic. I grew up in a football family, with an uncle who has been in the NFL as a player and coach for nearly 30 years, and a younger cousin (my uncle’s son) who just finished his rookie year with the Cleveland Browns. Writing a series that centers around a NFL team came naturally. Did I mention that I’m a football fanatic? I try not to plan any weekend events from September to early February, because I’m usually in front of the television watching college and professional ball.
Dyanne: Can you tell us how many books you have planned?
Farrah: I currently have four books contracted with Kimani for the Sabers football series, but I have ideas for more than twice that many. That’s the beauty of writing a series based on a sports team, players can be traded, drafted, etc. The possibilities for stories are endless.
Dyanne: Without giving anything away can you whet our appetite for the series?
Farrah: In the first book, HUDDLE WITH ME TONIGHT, entertainment writer/blogger, Paige Turner, writes a harsh review of New York Saber wide receiver, Torrian Smallwood’s new memoir/cookbook. It starts an online war between the two, which eventually leads to a cooking competition on a local morning news program. Things heat up pretty quickly between Paige and Torrian.
The great thing about this series is that readers meet the heroes of the first four books in book number one. Stay tuned for stories about Cedric, Jared, and Theo.
Dyanne: How often will we get to read each new book?
Farrah: The books are scheduled to be released every six months, in March and September, with the first being released September 2010.
Dyanne: How has your writing schedule changed?
Farrah: I’ve been fortunate enough to write fulltime since March of this year. It took some trial and error, but I’ve come up with a great writing system where I separate my day into five writing chunks. I write a minimum of three pages per chunk, so I average about 15 pages a day. Of course, I try to write more, but as long as I make that 15-page minimum, I’m happy.
Dyanne: What words of advice would you give to a new writer?
Farrah: That’s easy, I’m a football fanatic. I grew up in a football family, with an uncle who has been in the NFL as a player and coach for nearly 30 years, and a younger cousin (my uncle’s son) who just finished his rookie year with the Cleveland Browns. Writing a series that centers around a NFL team came naturally. Did I mention that I’m a football fanatic? I try not to plan any weekend events from September to early February, because I’m usually in front of the television watching college and professional ball.
Dyanne: Can you tell us how many books you have planned?
Farrah: I currently have four books contracted with Kimani for the Sabers football series, but I have ideas for more than twice that many. That’s the beauty of writing a series based on a sports team, players can be traded, drafted, etc. The possibilities for stories are endless.
Dyanne: Without giving anything away can you whet our appetite for the series?
Farrah: In the first book, HUDDLE WITH ME TONIGHT, entertainment writer/blogger, Paige Turner, writes a harsh review of New York Saber wide receiver, Torrian Smallwood’s new memoir/cookbook. It starts an online war between the two, which eventually leads to a cooking competition on a local morning news program. Things heat up pretty quickly between Paige and Torrian.
The great thing about this series is that readers meet the heroes of the first four books in book number one. Stay tuned for stories about Cedric, Jared, and Theo.
Dyanne: How often will we get to read each new book?
Farrah: The books are scheduled to be released every six months, in March and September, with the first being released September 2010.
Dyanne: How has your writing schedule changed?
Farrah: I’ve been fortunate enough to write fulltime since March of this year. It took some trial and error, but I’ve come up with a great writing system where I separate my day into five writing chunks. I write a minimum of three pages per chunk, so I average about 15 pages a day. Of course, I try to write more, but as long as I make that 15-page minimum, I’m happy.
Dyanne: What words of advice would you give to a new writer?
Farrah: If you can think of a dozen other things you’d rather be doing when you’re writing, then this isn’t the job for you. The joy in being a writer comes in the actual writing of the novel. You have to love the creation process, because the business side is enough to drive a person crazy.
Dyanne: What plans do you have for the future?
Farrah: I would love to have a long career with Kimani. I’ve had such a great time writing these first three novels, and I have so many ideas for future series. However, I’d like to continue writing the longer single-title books, as well. I don’t like to look too far into the future. I count my blessings for what I’ve been given so far, and just try to enjoy whatever each day brings.
Dyanne: Farrah, it’s been great interviewing you. I really do love your attitude and wish you a long life with Kimani. Where can readers reach you?
Farrah: Readers can reach me through my website,, by email at, on Facebook , or they can follow me on Twitter at and at I love hearing from readers.
Dyanne: Thanks Farrah.
Farrah: Readers can reach me through my website,, by email at, on Facebook , or they can follow me on Twitter at and at I love hearing from readers.
Dyanne: Thanks Farrah.
Lovely interview, ladies. I've enjoyed both of Farrah's series and look forward to the remaining NY Sabers books.
I so loved this interview because it mentioned one of my fav word sports. :)
I have enjoyed Farrah's other stories so I am anxious to read the NY Sabers series.
Hopefully I will find time during the football to read the first book that is currently sitting on my shelf.
Great interview! I've read Deliver Me and now I have to play catch-up. I wish you continued success.
Great interview, ladies! I'm looking forward to the Sabers series. Best wishes for continued success, Farrah!
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