This month we’re bringing you interviews With Dara Girard and Stacy Deanne. I think you’re going to enjoy learning about these two authors.
Dyanne: Hello Dara. This is our get acquainted opening question. For the members of the RSJ family that may not be familiar with you yet, would you tell us a bit about yourself?
Dara: First, thanks for having me here! My name is Dara Girard and I am the author of fourteen novels and one book of nonfiction, plus numerous articles and essays. My March 2010 book, WORDS OF SEDUCTION, was a Borders Favorite and is the first book in my “Ladies of the Pen” series about three writer friends who learn that passion can go beyond the page. My upcoming release, PAGES OF PASSION, is the second book in the series.

When asked why I write commercial fiction, I like to say that I never want to write anything that becomes required reading in a college class. I aim to entertain not to be studied to death by elitists. I love being able to tell a wide range of stories with happy endings.
Dyanne: Oh, I can tell right off the bat that this is going to be fun. I love your intro. So, Dara, when did you decide to become a writer?
Dyanne: Oh, I can tell right off the bat that this is going to be fun. I love your intro. So, Dara, when did you decide to become a writer?
Dara: Writing found me when I was about six. I wrote my first story in my mother’s diary and fortunately she was very understanding and encouraged me. By twelve I was determined to get published. I thought it would take about two years so I planned to have my first novel published by fourteen. I was off by more than a decade.
However, I don’t find the publishing world too insane because I grew up around musicians, actors, artists and other creative spirits and learned that most fields have their quirks. Once you treat publishing (which is different from writing) as a business it starts to make sense.
Dyanne: Of course I’m wondering how well you could read at that point. LOL. Unlike Art Linkletter, I will not ask you to divulge what was in your mother’s diary. I’ll ask instead for you to tell us about your first book, the highs, the lows, and the unexpected.
However, I don’t find the publishing world too insane because I grew up around musicians, actors, artists and other creative spirits and learned that most fields have their quirks. Once you treat publishing (which is different from writing) as a business it starts to make sense.
Dyanne: Of course I’m wondering how well you could read at that point. LOL. Unlike Art Linkletter, I will not ask you to divulge what was in your mother’s diary. I’ll ask instead for you to tell us about your first book, the highs, the lows, and the unexpected.
Dara: Ah, yes what memories. My first published book was TABLE FOR TWO. I make the distinction between published and unpublished because I’d written more than ten novels (as well as articles, plays, poems, essays etc…) before the one that was published. It was the first book in my Henson’s trilogy and very exciting except--my editor left, a close family member was diagnosed with cancer, another had to have major surgery and I learned that the picture used for the cover, was also used in a flyer for an ad about heart disease! But in spite of all these events, I was thrilled to see my book face-out on a shelf in a bookstore.
What I learned from that experience was that getting published doesn’t stop life from happening. Fortunately, the people I care about are all healthy now, I don’t pull my hair out regarding what my covers look like and my first book was the start of an amazing ride that hasn’t stopped.
Dyanne: Life not stopping is an eye opener isn’t it? Heck it doesn’t even slow down. I’m glad to hear all of your loved ones are healthy now. As far as covers goes, you’ve definitely got the right attitude. Dara, if you could change one thing about your writing career thus far what would it be?
Dara: Nothing. All my failures and disappointments have been perfect fodder for my work. I’ve fallen down plenty of times (and have the bruises to prove it) but it’s given me great insight into myself and the industry. I put some of that knowledge into my book THE WRITER BEHIND THE WORDS: STEPS TO SUCCESS IN THE WRITING LIFE where I talk about dealing with disappointments, rejection, discouragement and other obstacles in the writing life and how to overcome them.
Dyanne: It seems as if we have a lot in common. I give workshops based on all my failures and battle scars. Hmm. Okay, the memories aren’t welcome at the moment. Let’s lighten things up. How about a game of what if? What if you could write your career in writing the way you would want it to be, give me the first line of your dream career.
Dara: “International bestselling author Dara Girard just left the movie set where the film adaptation of her novel is currently underway.”
Dyanne: That’s a great line. I’ve heard if you put it out there it has a chance of coming true. If you could have one selfish wish, what would it be?
Dyanne: That’s a great line. I’ve heard if you put it out there it has a chance of coming true. If you could have one selfish wish, what would it be?
Dara: To have a thousand more wishes. Okay, I’ll play along…to have perfect health. I’d never get sick, not even a cold—ever!
Dyanne: LOL. It’s just like a writer to wish for more wishes. What are you working on?
Dara: I’ll try to be brief because as you know being an author is a business and you do a lot more than write. I just submitted the manuscript for the final book in the “Ladies of the Pen” series, which will be released in April 2011. It’s called BENEATH THE COVERS and it’s about Claudia Madison a woman forced to work side by side with the man she’d left standing at the altar several years ago.
Currently I’m in my marketing mode getting the word out about PAGES OF PASSION (October 26, 2010) about a cynical romance writer who meets a real life hero. So I’m updating my website and Facebook Page, getting my newsletter out and working with my media specialist on a book trailer.
Dyanne: What words of advice would you give to a new writer?
Dara: I’ll try to be brief because as you know being an author is a business and you do a lot more than write. I just submitted the manuscript for the final book in the “Ladies of the Pen” series, which will be released in April 2011. It’s called BENEATH THE COVERS and it’s about Claudia Madison a woman forced to work side by side with the man she’d left standing at the altar several years ago.
Currently I’m in my marketing mode getting the word out about PAGES OF PASSION (October 26, 2010) about a cynical romance writer who meets a real life hero. So I’m updating my website and Facebook Page, getting my newsletter out and working with my media specialist on a book trailer.
Dyanne: What words of advice would you give to a new writer?
Dara: Buy my award-winning book THE WRITER BEHIND THE WORDS. Seriously! I wrote this book with aspiring authors in mind and now it’s only $2.99 on Kindle. What I like to tell new writers is to enjoy the process, trust your instincts and don’t be afraid to make mistakes—they’re not fatal. If you’re smart, you’ll learn from them and you can use them in your work.
Dyanne: I’m not sure if you’re serious or not but I like the marketing behind the advice. What plans do you have for the future?
Dara: How long have you got? For me, I see so many opportunities that I have to pull myself in at times. Some of my goals are to expand the reach of my stories in various venues including indie films, ebooks, audiobooks etc…
Dyanne: Dara, that’s a very good goal. Where can readers reach you?
Dara: One way for readers to keep up with me is to visit my website: www.daragirard.com or write me here: http://www.daragirard.com/contact.php
I’m now on Facebook so I’d love to see them there: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dara-Girard/103779512990243
Dyanne: Dara, that’s a very good goal. Where can readers reach you?
Dara: One way for readers to keep up with me is to visit my website: www.daragirard.com or write me here: http://www.daragirard.com/contact.php
I’m now on Facebook so I’d love to see them there: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dara-Girard/103779512990243
Dyanne: It’s been a pleasure talking with you. By the way Dara writes for Kimani. I just visited her website. She has a lot of fun stuff on there.