Dyanne: Stacy Please tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from, what is your background?
Stacy: I was born and raised in Houston, Texas. I still live here. My family hails from East Texas. I’m an only child. I’m very tall, six feet actually. I’m single, no kids. I have a lot of interests but I am always researching things about nature and I just love anything about animals. I’m not an animal lover in terms of pets. I don’t have pets. I just like to learn about all the different types of animals in the world, LOL. I am also a big mystery and crime fiction buff, the reason I write it. I love anything involving interracial romance, another thing I love to write. I’m also an introvert. I prefer being alone compared to being with people. I love my space.
Dyanne: Out of all of that I’m thinking six feet tall, Wow!! See I’m only a little over five feet but I feel as tall as 6’- 2”. LOL. When did you first realize that you wanted to be a writer, and what was it that inspired you to start writing?
Stacy: I never intended to become a writer honestly. I got my first computer when I was nineteen and I just started writing. Before long I had a story going and I loved how writing made me feel. It just hit like lightening that I wanted to pursue it as a career. It made me so happy and I felt like writing is what I was put on earth for.
Dyanne: Stacy, you’re the first writer I interviewed that’s admitted to just stumbling into it. When did you write your first book?
Stacy: Well the very first one was at nineteen but it was some years later when I got published. That story wasn’t ever published though.
Dyanne: You share company with a lot of writers. From what I understand about 95% of writers do not have their first books published. But it does

Stacy: I’ve written probably close to twenty books. Melody (my crime/thriller/interracial romance novel which came out in ‘08) was always my favorite but the more I write on my new detective/interracial romance series, the quicker it’s becoming the most enjoyable thing I’ve written.
Dyanne: Since you didn’t grown up wanting to be a writer, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Stacy: I wanted to be all sorts of things. My mom (RIP) was a math teacher so I wanted to be a teacher at one point. Then I wanted to be a singer or actress. Then I wanted to be a beautician, etc. I have a lot of interests and things I wanted to pursue.
Dyanne: I was thinking the singing and wanting to be an actress would have still kept you in the arts. Then I thought of some of the hair shows and realized that would have done the same. (smile) So, back to writing. How long does it typically take you to write a book?
Stacy: Hmm, it takes me at least four months to finish a story (and that’s writing on it constantly). That’s also minus editing or revising. Editing and revising takes longer depending on the story. I’m now at the point with my skills that I can edit a story as I go along or I can write it in a way that can be a final draft or close to it so it saves more time than when I first started writing. The longer you write and the more skills you learn, the easier it is to pump out first drafts that might not need much revision. Still it depends on the story. Some stories need heavy tweaking and some might not. It’s extremely difficult writing crime fiction and mysteries because there is so much detail involved in the cases and clues. You always have to check over the little things as well as the research you might have to do. Writing a mystery is like a puzzle. You gotta make sure everything fits along the way and comes together in the end where it makes sense.
Dyanne: That’s a very good explanation. Where do the ideas for your books come from?
Stacy: Straight from my psychotic, warped mind.
Dyanne: LOL. Shh, you know that’s a secret you’re not supposed to tell. I’ve been trying to convince people that I make up the more crazy things I write. Where is your favorite place to write, where do you feel most creative?
Stacy: I just write at my computer in the den. I feel creative any and everywhere to be honest. My imagination’s never on a break. LOL.
Dyanne: Spoken like the creative writer that you are. I’m sure your readers think it was an easy road for you. Was it? Please tell us how you got started.
Stacy: I started writing professionally in 1997 right after high school. My road was the same as most. I wrote for years, worked on my craft and researched the industry. I did all I could to get my work to a publishable level and then I started sending it out. I of course got rejected a bunch of times but what writer doesn’t? But the key is determination. You gotta want it and love writing enough to keep going. I’m just happy I was one that made it to the role of “published author”. It’s an amazing feeling and I wouldn’t go back to being unpublished and struggling to find my place for anything in the world.
Dyanne: what advice would you give to aspiring authors that they need to hear even if they don’t want to?
Stacy: They’d better be realistic about their goals. They should be aware that not everyone gets published no matter how hard they try or how good they write. Sometimes it’s not in the cards so the best thing is to make sure you are writing because you love it and it makes you happy, not just for seeking publication. If you really love it, then it won’t matter if you get published or not. You’ll still be happy doing what you do. The hard truth is everyone’s not gonna get published. The competition is too steep as well as other factors.
Dyanne: What are your future plans? What books are coming out next?
Stacy: Right now I am concentrating on my detective/interracial romance series. I am so excited that the first installment, “Giving Up the Ghost” will be coming out April next year! I also have some standalone novels I’ve completed as well. I have a good indication that the next release after “Giving Up the Ghost” will be the second one in the series. Gotta wait and see.
Dyanne: Stacy, I saw your new cover for “Giving Up the Ghost, fantastic. I want to thank you so much for allowing me to interview you. It’s been a pleasure picking your brains. Where can readers reach you?
Stacy: Thanks so much, Dyanne! I appreciate the opportunity and the support. Readers can find me all over the net but they can reach me through my web site: http://www.stacy-deanne.net/
Stacy: They’d better be realistic about their goals. They should be aware that not everyone gets published no matter how hard they try or how good they write. Sometimes it’s not in the cards so the best thing is to make sure you are writing because you love it and it makes you happy, not just for seeking publication. If you really love it, then it won’t matter if you get published or not. You’ll still be happy doing what you do. The hard truth is everyone’s not gonna get published. The competition is too steep as well as other factors.
Dyanne: What are your future plans? What books are coming out next?
Stacy: Right now I am concentrating on my detective/interracial romance series. I am so excited that the first installment, “Giving Up the Ghost” will be coming out April next year! I also have some standalone novels I’ve completed as well. I have a good indication that the next release after “Giving Up the Ghost” will be the second one in the series. Gotta wait and see.
Dyanne: Stacy, I saw your new cover for “Giving Up the Ghost, fantastic. I want to thank you so much for allowing me to interview you. It’s been a pleasure picking your brains. Where can readers reach you?
Stacy: Thanks so much, Dyanne! I appreciate the opportunity and the support. Readers can find me all over the net but they can reach me through my web site: http://www.stacy-deanne.net/
Once again, everyone out there, if you’re a fan of interracial romance (BW/WM novels), mystery and crime then put “Giving Up the Ghost” on your list! It rocks! LOL! Go to my site http://www.stacy-deanne.net/ for a sneak peek!
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