Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Interview With Author Marcia Colette

Hello Marcia, For the members of the family that may not be familiar with you yet would you tell us a bit about yourself.

Marcia: Well, I have a baby girl who's six months old and the joy of my life. Her laughter makes all of my problems fizzle away. Also, my mom lives with me to help raise her grandbaby. Talk about a blessing. I love my mom to pieces.

As for hobbies other than reading and writing, I'm a huge movie buff when it comes to horror, sci-fi, fantasy. Yes, I'm a happy geek who goes to the Star Wars conventions, though you'll never see me dressed up as a Storm Trooper or anyone from Star Trek.

Dyanne: Marcia, If I could find a costume for a reasonable amount I might dress up. I went to a Duck con conference a few years ago and was arrested by the Klingons. It was a lot of fun. Glad to see we have another Trekie. So, when did you decide to enter this insane world of writing?

Marcia: Ten years ago this past May after a horrible day at work for Fortune 500. I had been reading Laurel K. Hamilton while standing shoulder to shoulder on Boston's commuter rail and decided I was tired of reading and wanted to write my own. Plus, I needed to "handle" some of the more "difficult" people I worked with in a productive, creative manner. That turned out to be my first attempt at a horror story.

Dyanne: Tell us about your first book, the highs, the lows, the unexpected.

Marcia: The first book I actually finished was 250,000 words. I didn't want it to end because I had fallen in love with it. So what did I do? I wrote a sequel with 190,000 words that remains unfinished to this day. After about 40 rejections, I decided to study the craft (yes, I know, I did it backwards) and business of writing. That took about a year. By then, I had taken a critical look at my 250,000 monstrosity and spared only the character profiles to start a new book. Half Breed was the result of that. It was wonderful having a book out and being a published writer. However, it wasn't what I thought it was be when it realized ebook was completely different from print book when it came to sales.

Dyanne: LOL. Oh my God!! Marcia, you sound like me only you wrote your first books even longer than I did. My first contained everything as they say, including the kitchen sink. Okay, I’m trying to stop laughing. If you could change one thing about your writing career thus far what would it be?

Marcia: I wish I had chosen more wisely when it came to agents. One of my former agents came highly recommended by people I know and Preditors and Editors. However, not every agent is a good fit regardless of their credentials. That saying about having no agent is better than having a bad one is very true. When things start to go bad with them, it'll suck the life out of you and your creativity. As if we need that on top of our loud-mouth inner critic.

Dyanne: I’m going to add a big AMEN to that. Now for a game of what if. What if you came here from another galaxy. what would be your first words on seeing earth?

Marcia: Wow. So this is what purgatory looks like.

Dyanne: I love your sense of humor. Let's reverse that. You've just stepped foot on another planet (your choice) What do you think your first words would be?

Marcia: Can't. Breathe.

Dyanne: Marcia, what words of advice would you give to a new writer?
Marcia: Learn the industry. Don't take anyone's word for it. Seek out the answers for yourself because it'll save you a lot of time and heartache in the end. Ask, but don't stop at one person. Ask more if you don't agree with the answer you were given. In the end, you have to do what's best for you and your career...and sometimes go against the status quo.

Dyanne: Very good advice. What plans do you have for the future?

Marcia: Hit a big-time bestseller list. :-) But in my immediate future, I'm trying to finish the sequel to STRIPPED, find a home/agent for my paranormal YA along with two other urban fantasy books, and finish writing my cyberpunk book and a new paranormal romance trilogy I'm working on.

Dyanne: From your mouth to…well, you know the rest. Good luck with your agent hunt. As for the rest I’m betting that soon we’ll see you on a big0time bestseller list. Last question, Marcia. Where can readers reach you?

Marcia: Readers can always hit me up at or visit me on my blog at

Dyanne: Thank you Marcia.


Edie Ramer said...

Terrific interview! Marcia, your personality shines through. I can see your name on the bestseller lists, too.

Beth Caudill said...

Great Interview.

Say hi to unyoungen.

RK Sterling said...

Great interview!

"So this is what purgatory looks like."


Thanks to Dyanne & Marcia both for the entertaining read.

Ryshia Kennie said...

Ten years ago after a horrible day at Fortune 500... Need I read more? Get me the book. Virtual high five!

Beverly said...

Nice interview!
Congrats on the baby!