Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Interview with Author Rochelle Alers

Dyanne: Rochelle, thank you so much for taking the time to do theinterview though you were on deadline. I enjoyed the conversation. Iwant to begin this interview by asking about your awards. You’ve wonnumerous awards. Is there one particular award that stands out for you?

Rochelle: I’m proud of each and every award I’ve won. But the one thatbrought me particular pride was winning the Zora Neale Hurston Literaryaward in 2004. I’m extremely proud of that award.

Dyanne: I can understand how special that award would be. Justbeing in the running would be an honor. Rochelle, I’ve found that allauthors have a few stories about crazy things that have happened to20them during their career. What’s the craziest thing you ever had tohappen to you?

Rochelle: There have been a lot of crazy things. The one that comes tomind at the moment involves a reader who wrote to me and took me totask because she’d read one of my books and the H/H had made lovewithout benefit of marriage. I politely tried to explain that thegenre that I was writing for had changed, that the bedroom door was nowopen and love scenes were written with a bit more detail. I thoughtthat was the end of it….but no. The reader wrote to me again thatshe’d read VOWS and liked some things but complained once again aboutthe sex before marriage. Now I have to ask this. If you know that’swhat I write, then why do you buy or read it?

Dyanne: LOL. Rochelle, I’m laughing but I know exactly what you mean.And I have a funny thought that I won’t share right as I’m going to askyou the next question. What is your most decadent ( G- rated) wish?

Rochelle: I’d love to take a month off with no deadline starring me inthe face and just go off to a tropical island and sit and read forpleasure. I’d take my favorite books, old ones that I know like an oldfriend, books that will give me nothing but pleasure.

Dyanne: That’s agreat wish but I know you said earlier in ourconversation that you have to deliver a book every two months so youwon’t have anytime soon to do that. But I’m going to keep my fingerscrossed for you. That leads us into what’s on your plate for the restof 2009

Rochelle: What isn't on my plate? You're right I'm on deadline rightnow. I've already had several books to hit the shelves this year.There was my first Kimani Romance: BITTERSWEET LOVE and NAUGHTY awomen's fiction title. I also have my Best Men series: MAN OF FATE,MAN OF FORTUNE and MAN OF FANTASY.

There are the first two titles in the Hideaway series - HIDEAWAY andHIDDEN AGENDA as reissues October and November, and this summer ateHarlequin I will be doing and online read MAN OF FAME for eightconsecutive Mondays. Readers can go to eharlequin.com to read itbeginning June 29th. The Eaton miniseries will continue with SWEETDECEPTION, scheduled for December 2009.

My writing schedule continues to be hectic, challenging me creativelyto come up with engaging characters and interesting plots. What's upfor 2010 and beyond? A new family series, at least one Hideaway andwomen's fiction novel each year, and two Eatons every year. If youlike families, then you'll have your pick of three from me.

I'm looking forward to meeting new friends and reconnecting with old ones when we set sail next year. Being out on the ocean will give usthe time and opportunity to bond and become a Slam Jam family in everytrue sense of the word.

Dyanne: Before I wear out my welcome I’d like to thank you for takingthe time to talk to me.

Rochelle: Anything for the Slam Jam family.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Interview with Author Wayne Jordan

Dyanne: Hello Wayne, it’s always a pleasure for me to talk to you either in person or via email. Thank you for taking the time to connect with the RSJ family. So tell us Wayne, what's the craziest thing you've ever had to happen in your career.

Wayne: I love fans dearly…but when one came knocking at my hotel room during the middle of the night at a conference, I finally realized I was a bit of a celebrity, but it was somewhat crazy…

Dyanne: LOL. That answer made me think of a story ideal Thanks. How about sharing your most selfish decadent wish (G-rated)

Wayne: Oh, there are so many and now that I’m diabetic, I dream of a land made of chocolate where I can eat to my heart’s content. I love chocolate! And I miss it. Sugar free chocolate while nice just doesn’t give me that sensual rush.

Dyanne: I wouldn’t mind a land made of chocolate but I’d need nuts and a glass of water. Wayne, you're one of a handful of male romance authors. How does it feel?
Wayne: It feels great; especially when I’m at conferences. What more could a man want when he’s surrounded by the most romantic women in the world and have them all for himself?

Dyanne: You keep sparking story ideas. I’m going to owe you big time. I wanted to ask about your book titles. You have such wonderful titles, were they your original ones or were they changed?

Wayne: All of my titles are the original titles I submitted with my proposals. My next full length book, due out in October 2010, will keep its original title, WHISPERS AT MIDNIGHT, too. I’ve been fortunate.

Dyanne: I congratulate you on choosing such wonderful titles. Can you tell us where you get your inspiration for your stories?

Wayne: I get my inspiration from everywhere, anything and anyone...and from readers. Their kind words about my work keep me motivated to write even more.

Dyanne: Ahh, what a nice thing to say. I’m sure your readers will be happy to hear that. What's on your plate for the rest of 2009?
Wayne: I’ll just be writing. Have no releases this yet. However, along with the Kimani Romances in 2010 (one) and 2011 (two), I have a novella for Parker Publishing which I’m working on right now along with WHISPERS AT MIDNIGHT. It’s my first extra steamy romance so I’m totally enjoying reading it. Of course, I’m trying to balance the story with the heat factor…and I’m not doing badly.

Dyanne: Wayne, thank you so much for talking to us. Have a great summer.

Wayne: Dyanne, thanks for the opportunity.

Interview with Aspiring Author Darlene Cole

Dyanne: I decided to search out a winner of an Aspiring Author contest to see how she’s doing. A few years ago, Darlene won the Parker Publishing Aspiring Author Contest. Darlene, you won an aspiring writer's contest a couple of years ago. Can you tell us (honestly) about the experience and what has happened with your writing since?

Darlene: When my name was announced, I was speechless, it was such an honor. Since then I've written another story, and continue honing my writing skills.

Dyanne: Did entering the contest make you work harder toward your goal or has it had the opposite affect?

Darlene: My goal has always been to become a published author. What the contest did was make me realize I could be published. So I guess you can say the contest has made me work harder to achieve that goal.

Dyanne: Tell us a little about you, what you write, what you read and what you're doing now.

Darlene: I live in Saratoga, NY. That's about 150 miles north of New York City and about 150 miles south of the Canada border. I have two grown daughter and two teenage grandchildren. And, I've just celebrated my sixtieth birthday.

As far as what I write, my motto is: "I write the type of stories I like to read." Basically they're romantic, but I like including different issues. One story is about a young couple who receives a lesson on commitment from a World War II veteran. Another one tells of a man's personal growth as realizes his love for a woman of color.

I am a romance junkie, but will read any book that catches my fancy. I've just finished reading E. Lynn Harris book; "Basketball Jones." Right now, I'm finishing up a novelette I call "My Everything." It was inspired by a question asked at RSJ '08 as to why aren't many stories written about a full figure women getting the fine looking brothers? We know it happens.

Dyanne: Are there plans to attend another conference? Are you going to attend the cruise?

Darlene: I'll answer your second question first, I plan on being on the cruise and because of that I'm only doing a few local conferences this year.

Dyanne: Is there anyplace you call home that we can visit and maybe sample some of your work.

Darlene: I wish there was. Right now, I'm trying to set up my web page once it up I will be announcing it to the world, because I would love for people to read my stories.

Dyanne: Darlene, I wish you the best of luck in your career. Thanks for doing the interview.

Darlene: Thank you Dyanne