Dyanne: Thank you, Brenda, for heeding the call to serve. So, you’ve chosen the writing path. What put the bug in you to write?
Brenda: I wouldn’t say it was so much a bug, but God placing the right person in my life telling me I was a writer and to write. I truly believe that there are no accidents in this life. It was merely my being put on the path that I was meant to be on.
It was a relief to realize I was a writer and not crazy, well not completely. I wondered what I was going to do, having spent the last 25 plus year raising my three children. My daughter was entering her last year of high school. And I had no idea what I was supposed to do next. Well now I know. Thank you, Dyanne.
Dyanne: Brenda I’m old and slow. I didn’t get the last part of your comment until this moment. I agree that God uses people who allow themselves to be used. But considering that I’ve been reading your writing and am blown away by your talents all I can say is no thanks necessary. Deciding to write is the first step toward fulfilling your dreams. Can you tell us as an aspiring author what you've done so far to move your career toward the path you want it to go?
Brenda : Well I started a blog, I attended RSJ/08. Had a blast by the way, I was disappointed to hear that it was canceled for 2009. I was looking forward to seeing and reconnecting with all the talented writers I met in Chicago . I joined this really wonderful supportive group of ladies called R.I.C.H writers group.
I write ever day. I’ve even submitted some of my short stories for publication. Got my first rejection, went home, had a little pity party, got over it, and got back to writing.
Dyanne: Congratulations Brenda , you’re a writer. Rejections are only temporary stumbling blocks. I’m so proud to hear you say you had your little pity party and continued writing. That’s the absolute right thing to do. Now, can you tell us briefly what things you read and what kinds of stories you're writing?
Brenda : An avid reader since childhood, I’ve always had a love of books and reading. When I was a teenager I was fascinated with history. I loved reading biographies of famous and not so famous people. Which really wasn’t cool growing up in the 70’s for a black girl to know who Ivan the Terrible was or why spaghetti westerns are called a spaghetti westerns. But I digress. I’ve amassed quiet a collection of books over the years. They range from contemporary romance/literature, Christian, mystery/suspense, erotic fiction/romance, to paranormal.
I don’t read for pleasure anymore, simply because now I write. At this moment I have about ten WIP. Three of which I’m currently working on. My charters are just ordinary people who find love in the most uncommon or where you would least expect two people to come together places.
Dyanne: Brenda , you mentioned that you have a blog where you’ve posted some of your work.Can you give readers the info on that?
Brenda : Sure, come on over to my blog at www.amwells.blogspot.com. All comments are welcome. Oh, did I mention I write under the pen name of A.M. Wells .
Dyanne: Thanks Brenda , also I’m glad that you mentioned you’re using a penname. By RSJ 2010 all will know you. I wish you the best of luck in your career and have a very Merry Christmas.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
A Little Chat with the Paperback Diva, Andrea Jackson
Dyanne: First I want to thank Andrea Jackson for the goodies that your group provided for
each and every bag that was given out at the 2008 RSJ. Thanks also for doing the interview. Christmas is coming soon and you're Santa. (Seriously) Where will you go first and where might you skip altogether?
Andrea: First I'll go someplace warm! I hate cold weather. The Southern US, California, Hawaii, Caribbean, Tropical Africa. And I'd be awfully tempted to skip places like Iceland and Scandinavia. LOL. Good thing the real Santa doesn't feel that way!
Dyanne: LOL. I didn’t think about just going to warm climates. I love it. Now, your life has taken a turn. You're now Andrea and Santa didn't stop at your house. Can you tell us why?
Andrea: Oh, my gosh! Did Santa find out what a witch I've been this year? I could have been nicer to my husband, and tried to understand my kids better. And spent more time with my mother. Santa may also have found out how little writing I did this year! I couldn't seem to finish anything.

Andrea: First I'll go someplace warm! I hate cold weather. The Southern US, California, Hawaii, Caribbean, Tropical Africa. And I'd be awfully tempted to skip places like Iceland and Scandinavia. LOL. Good thing the real Santa doesn't feel that way!
Dyanne: LOL. I didn’t think about just going to warm climates. I love it. Now, your life has taken a turn. You're now Andrea and Santa didn't stop at your house. Can you tell us why?

Dyanne: You’re the paperback Diva so we all have great faith in you that you’ll finish all of those projects. Besides, I know you’ve been busy. This takes me to the next question. Even though you haven’t finished anything, you’re a writer and that means you’ve been writing. Tell us what you're working on now and your future projects.
Andrea: All those projects I've begun need to be completed. There's a contemporary novel about a woman who's struggling to get custody of her deceased sister's two young daughters and no way is she going to be distracted by the sexy guardium ad litem who's been assigned to the case. I'm working on my first shapeshifter, a novella for Samhain. A paranormal about a world where warriors are delectable, protective alpha males.

Dyanne: See MS. Paperback Diva, I knew you had a lot going on. Now tell us where can RSJ readers look for you?
My website is http://www.pbdiva.com/
My blog is Proud to be a Paperback Diva, http://www.pbdiva.wordpress.com/
I'm also on Twitter daily. www.twitter.com/pbdiva
My website is http://www.pbdiva.com/
My blog is Proud to be a Paperback Diva, http://www.pbdiva.wordpress.com/
I'm also on Twitter daily. www.twitter.com/pbdiva
Thanks Andrea. I can’t wait to read all three of the novels you’re working on.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Interview with A.C. Arthur

Dyanne: A.C. , since I’m now using initials I love it more than ever when authors use their initials. Would you mind telling us what they are stand for.
A.C.: My first and middle name: Artist Contina Arthur. When I was growing up people would look at my first name and always thought I was a boy, so when the first book was being published I said I’d rather have the initials then my first name on the book then have to go through the same questions about my first name. My parents weren’t too pleased with the idea but it’s growing on them.
Dyanne: I like that. I tried to change my name when I was a teen but my mother refused to acknowledge it and threatened me if I didn’t keep answering to the name she’d given me. (smile) You know that I’m giving authors a chance to express their true creativity by asking them crazy questions right? Okay, here goes: You are the last mortal on Planet Earth. In order to survive you will have to find a way to procreate. How will you accomplish this?

Dyanne: You have just been given a million dollar advance (yeah I know) to write your own personal true to life love story. Give me the short “G” version.
A.C.: First off, I’m not even going to get a million dollar advance for this boring story! LOL
Heroine has simple dreams to become a secretary with a husband and kids to return home to in the evenings, when her destiny is altered by one great book. In the blink of an eye this normal, mild mannered woman is morphed into a scintillating storyteller with new dreams to color the world with fantastic stories and enlightening characters.
Heroine has simple dreams to become a secretary with a husband and kids to return home to in the evenings, when her destiny is altered by one great book. In the blink of an eye this normal, mild mannered woman is morphed into a scintillating storyteller with new dreams to color the world with fantastic stories and enlightening characters.
Dyanne: Thanks for playing along. For the record your dream has already come true. YOU’RE DEFINITELY A SCINTILLATING STORYTELLER. Now for the serious question. What do you have on the burner for the next year? What new projects, books, submission, dreams. Anything you can talk about.
A.C.: Let’s see, I have two additions to my Donovan Family series from Kimani Romance: the long awaited Trent Donovan ’s story, Defying Desire 4/09 and Full House Seduction, Noelle ’s story, 8/09. In the mainstream arena, I have the scorching sequel to Indecent Proposal, aptly titled Indecent Exposure coming from Urban Books in 7/09.
As for submissions I’ve just completed the first book in a series of dark, erotic paranormals under my pen name, Sapphire Blue. Hopefully it will find a publishing home soon!

Dyanne: Hmm. I had thought it was a secret that you’re Sapphire Blue. I think maybe I’ll have to interview her also. Last thing A. C. where can readers reach you?
A.C.: Email me at http://us.mc521.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=acarthur22@yahoo.com or visit my website.
Interview with Miriam Pace
Miriam, like I told your writing partner, I don’t want you reading each other’s answers. The first questions are just for fun.
Dyanne: Have you ever introduced a character into any of your books to be killed off, and unbeknownst to your writing partner it was her?
Miriam : I didn’t ask Jackie about her answers. I have a lot of people in the world I would like to bump off, but Jackie isn’t one of them. As for characters masquerading as Jackie, I don’t think so. Though I do have an issue with my ex-stepmother-in-law. I bump her off all the time over and over again. Let me repeat: over and over again.
Dyanne: LOL. Let’s hope she’s not reading this newsletter. Let me ask you a safer question, something that does not involve killing. If for any reason without warning you had to leave your home and save one group of possessions, would it be your amber, your pictures or your books?
Miriam: My amber without question. How could you even ask this question? I love my amber and I actually keep it all in a make-up box so that all I have to do is grab the box. My husband gave me my very first piece which is the one I wear most and everyone at conferences sees. Living in a fire zone in California , I’ve learned lots of survival techniques over the years to make sure all the important papers are within reach. My photos are all digital (and on my laptop) and can be replaced. My books are always in transition so I don’t worry about them. I’d probably grab my laptop second (and maybe my Kindle) and external hard drive since that’s where I keep all my backups. Jackie is intelligent and has two legs and knows how to open doors so I’d probably grab the animals next. My Maine Coon cat is named Gryphon and even though he has four legs, I don't think he could manage to survive in a fire, but he’s sweet and not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. In fact from ear to ear he’s a flat line, but I do love him because he is so incredibly beautiful and he knows it.
Dyanne: I know that Jackie writes as Simone Harlowe . How about you? Any writing credits alone?
Miriam: I started writing under my own name and have five books as Miriam Pace , probably a few hundred articles and some short fiction, but I never developed a second name like Jackie did. Jackie ’s Simone Harlow is for her erotica stories and I don’t write erotica. If I did I think I’d choose something like Desdemona (no second name sort of like Cher , of course Cher isn’t a bad name either). My husband took me to a Cher concert for our 35th anniversary and I was impressed. I knew the words to all her songs, and at the time I wondered what that said about me?
Dyanne: Are there any projects that you have coming up that Jackie may not know about?
Miriam: Several. I don’t know what Jackie told you, but I tend to dream stories while I’m sleeping. I write them down first thing in the morning, or even during the night if I should wake up, and when we’re in need of an idea, I trot one of them out. My dreams are really detailed. They have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Southern Comfort came from a dream and the experiences of growing in a small town. I used to go to school and walk by the dairy and the cows would follow me. I don’t know why they followed me because I only carried a carrot for the old sway-backed horse in the corral at the corner where I crossed the street to get to my school.
Dyanne: Miriam , I gave Jackie a chance to tell the readers of RSJ of any reports. Would you like to say anything at this time to the readers?
Miriam: I attended my first Slam Jam with Jackie in 2001. We had a great time and I made a lot of friends. Also, I would like to add that I love writing. Like most people I didn't know what direction my life would go. I started out as an art major, but dropped out of art school and started playing around with story ideas and words. Of course, getting married and having two kids did get in the way and delayed my first publication, but my husband always encouraged me and because of him I’ve been a writer for nearly thirty years. In fact, my son was born on the same day my first book was released and he just turned twenty-seven. Sometimes I wish I could be more prolific, but I’m not a fast writer. I’m not slow either; I have a tendency to get bogged down in details. Jackie is all about the big picture; I’m the person who makes it all consistent. I’m more linear and Jackie is like a remote control changing channels like mad. Once I started writing, there was nothing else in this universe I wanted to do. Even now as I answer your questions, I’m working out a problem in my head. I wish writing were easier for me, but it isn’t.
Dyanne: I’m aware that this year brings you many firsts. I know you recently had to go through your anniversary, the first since your husband’s passing. There are lots of similarities in our lives, our love of amber, our ages, the absolute love for our families and the longevity of our marriages. I wish you all the best in making it through each hurdle. Thanks for doing this interview. Where can readers reach the dynamic duo?
Miriam: Dyanne, thank you so much for asking me to do this interview. The last two years have been exceedingly challenging for me, as you know I lost my husband of 37 years last Thanksgiving Day to esophageal cancer and I’ve been dealing with a number of life changes since then which have really made me look at myself and reevaluate my life. I do try to look at the bright side of life, though I don’t always. My son married a few weeks ago and I adore his new wife. My second grandchild was born a few days after my husband’s passing and she’s a delight. Her name is Kathryn Miriam so I feel honored at my daughter and her husband’s thoughtfulness. I am so grateful for so many things I can’t even begin to list them.
I do want to say, Jackie is my best friend. I don’t think I could have survived the last two years without her. She has been my strength and my confidante and she hasn’t wavered in her support. Without her I wouldn’t have gotten so far in my writing because she brings her own unique perspective to our partnership.
Jackie and I have an email address cupidclub@yahoo.com. Unfortunately, our website is not working at this time. Though I have someone who is trying to get it back up, this hasn’t happened yet.
Dyanne: Have you ever introduced a character into any of your books to be killed off, and unbeknownst to your writing partner it was her?
Miriam : I didn’t ask Jackie about her answers. I have a lot of people in the world I would like to bump off, but Jackie isn’t one of them. As for characters masquerading as Jackie, I don’t think so. Though I do have an issue with my ex-stepmother-in-law. I bump her off all the time over and over again. Let me repeat: over and over again.
Dyanne: LOL. Let’s hope she’s not reading this newsletter. Let me ask you a safer question, something that does not involve killing. If for any reason without warning you had to leave your home and save one group of possessions, would it be your amber, your pictures or your books?
Miriam: My amber without question. How could you even ask this question? I love my amber and I actually keep it all in a make-up box so that all I have to do is grab the box. My husband gave me my very first piece which is the one I wear most and everyone at conferences sees. Living in a fire zone in California , I’ve learned lots of survival techniques over the years to make sure all the important papers are within reach. My photos are all digital (and on my laptop) and can be replaced. My books are always in transition so I don’t worry about them. I’d probably grab my laptop second (and maybe my Kindle) and external hard drive since that’s where I keep all my backups. Jackie is intelligent and has two legs and knows how to open doors so I’d probably grab the animals next. My Maine Coon cat is named Gryphon and even though he has four legs, I don't think he could manage to survive in a fire, but he’s sweet and not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. In fact from ear to ear he’s a flat line, but I do love him because he is so incredibly beautiful and he knows it.
Dyanne: I know that Jackie writes as Simone Harlowe . How about you? Any writing credits alone?
Miriam: I started writing under my own name and have five books as Miriam Pace , probably a few hundred articles and some short fiction, but I never developed a second name like Jackie did. Jackie ’s Simone Harlow is for her erotica stories and I don’t write erotica. If I did I think I’d choose something like Desdemona (no second name sort of like Cher , of course Cher isn’t a bad name either). My husband took me to a Cher concert for our 35th anniversary and I was impressed. I knew the words to all her songs, and at the time I wondered what that said about me?
Dyanne: Are there any projects that you have coming up that Jackie may not know about?
Miriam: Several. I don’t know what Jackie told you, but I tend to dream stories while I’m sleeping. I write them down first thing in the morning, or even during the night if I should wake up, and when we’re in need of an idea, I trot one of them out. My dreams are really detailed. They have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Southern Comfort came from a dream and the experiences of growing in a small town. I used to go to school and walk by the dairy and the cows would follow me. I don’t know why they followed me because I only carried a carrot for the old sway-backed horse in the corral at the corner where I crossed the street to get to my school.
Dyanne: Miriam , I gave Jackie a chance to tell the readers of RSJ of any reports. Would you like to say anything at this time to the readers?
Miriam: I attended my first Slam Jam with Jackie in 2001. We had a great time and I made a lot of friends. Also, I would like to add that I love writing. Like most people I didn't know what direction my life would go. I started out as an art major, but dropped out of art school and started playing around with story ideas and words. Of course, getting married and having two kids did get in the way and delayed my first publication, but my husband always encouraged me and because of him I’ve been a writer for nearly thirty years. In fact, my son was born on the same day my first book was released and he just turned twenty-seven. Sometimes I wish I could be more prolific, but I’m not a fast writer. I’m not slow either; I have a tendency to get bogged down in details. Jackie is all about the big picture; I’m the person who makes it all consistent. I’m more linear and Jackie is like a remote control changing channels like mad. Once I started writing, there was nothing else in this universe I wanted to do. Even now as I answer your questions, I’m working out a problem in my head. I wish writing were easier for me, but it isn’t.
Dyanne: I’m aware that this year brings you many firsts. I know you recently had to go through your anniversary, the first since your husband’s passing. There are lots of similarities in our lives, our love of amber, our ages, the absolute love for our families and the longevity of our marriages. I wish you all the best in making it through each hurdle. Thanks for doing this interview. Where can readers reach the dynamic duo?
Miriam: Dyanne, thank you so much for asking me to do this interview. The last two years have been exceedingly challenging for me, as you know I lost my husband of 37 years last Thanksgiving Day to esophageal cancer and I’ve been dealing with a number of life changes since then which have really made me look at myself and reevaluate my life. I do try to look at the bright side of life, though I don’t always. My son married a few weeks ago and I adore his new wife. My second grandchild was born a few days after my husband’s passing and she’s a delight. Her name is Kathryn Miriam so I feel honored at my daughter and her husband’s thoughtfulness. I am so grateful for so many things I can’t even begin to list them.
I do want to say, Jackie is my best friend. I don’t think I could have survived the last two years without her. She has been my strength and my confidante and she hasn’t wavered in her support. Without her I wouldn’t have gotten so far in my writing because she brings her own unique perspective to our partnership.
Jackie and I have an email address cupidclub@yahoo.com. Unfortunately, our website is not working at this time. Though I have someone who is trying to get it back up, this hasn’t happened yet.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Interview With Evelyn Palfrey
This blog was such a fun idea. Thanks, Deatri, for coming up with it. Since it is a blog you all know you can leave comments, right? (Grin)
Dyanne: Evelyn, somehow I’ve decided to ask at least one crazy question of the interviewees. I have t
he perfect one for you. Living in Texas you really do strike me as a for real cow-girl, something I always wanted to be. So were you? And if so did two six shooters complete your outfit?
Ev: Hahaha, Dyanne. I’m a Texan, born and bred. I travel as often as I can and I’ve been all over the country, but I’ve never lived anywhere except Texas. I grew up in a small town in the beautiful piney woods of East Texas, so I’m a country girl at heart, but not a cowgirl. I do, however, have two six-shooters, and about to buy a five-shooter. I don’t have any cattle, but I did drive a pick-up truck for 10 years, then settled into a sedate SUV when I turned 50.
Dyanne: See I knew it. I just knew you had guns. (LOL) I remember the speech you gave i
n 2004 at RSJ. You advised the writers to become involved in the YA market. You were right it’s exploding. Did you take your own advice?
Ev: Not yet. I am having such a good time writing the stories of ‘marvelously mature,’ and I have more of those stories to tell. However, I am excited to see the increase in titles where our children can see themselves in the heroines and heroes.
At Romance Slam Jam I urged romance writers to tap into the YA market for two reasons. For writers, it is a way to develop their careers by growing their readership. The teens who read their YA romance novels now will be the adults who read their adult romances in the future. Secondly, writers have the opportunity to counteract the negative cultural teachings in popular music and videos by showing Black people in loving and respectful relationships. For some teens, that reinforces what they see at home. For others, it shows the possible. (Thank you, Barack and Michelle)
Dyanne: What is your secret to getting the ladies in your yahoo group so involved in current issues? I love your group.

Ev: I love the group too, Dyanne, and can’t take any credit. I feel truly blessed to be associated with these women, and a couple of men, from all over the country who came together because of a love of reading. But reading is only one aspect of our lives. I don’t get the members involved in current issues. They already are. What I do, is allow expression of those other aspects of our lives. We can discuss anything a member wants to talk about, including other writers’ books, and touchy subjects like politics, religion, and family. The only rules are that we remain respectful of each other in our discourse, understand that another intelligent person can come to a different conclusion, not take or send anything personally, and ignore any subject you aren’t interested in. Violators will be deleted. It works well. I’ve had occasion to question my own long-held beliefs and I’ve learned a lot. I’m glad you joined and we enjoy your participation. (evelynpalfrey@yahoogroups.com)
Dyanne: Will you tell us about your future writing plans and the title of the book you have coming out?
Ev: I’m working on a story, Against Her Better Judgment, for an anthology with two fabulous writers. Doing the research for it has been a gas. All I’ll say about that is gun ranges, dog kennels and young hard-bodied police officers. The working title of my next full novel is How Could You Leave Me. It’s the story of a woman who shocks her friends and family by taking in a homeless man.
Dyanne: Thanks Evelyn. How can the readers reach you?
Thank you, Dyanne.
Dyanne: Evelyn, somehow I’ve decided to ask at least one crazy question of the interviewees. I have t

Ev: Hahaha, Dyanne. I’m a Texan, born and bred. I travel as often as I can and I’ve been all over the country, but I’ve never lived anywhere except Texas. I grew up in a small town in the beautiful piney woods of East Texas, so I’m a country girl at heart, but not a cowgirl. I do, however, have two six-shooters, and about to buy a five-shooter. I don’t have any cattle, but I did drive a pick-up truck for 10 years, then settled into a sedate SUV when I turned 50.
Dyanne: See I knew it. I just knew you had guns. (LOL) I remember the speech you gave i

Ev: Not yet. I am having such a good time writing the stories of ‘marvelously mature,’ and I have more of those stories to tell. However, I am excited to see the increase in titles where our children can see themselves in the heroines and heroes.
At Romance Slam Jam I urged romance writers to tap into the YA market for two reasons. For writers, it is a way to develop their careers by growing their readership. The teens who read their YA romance novels now will be the adults who read their adult romances in the future. Secondly, writers have the opportunity to counteract the negative cultural teachings in popular music and videos by showing Black people in loving and respectful relationships. For some teens, that reinforces what they see at home. For others, it shows the possible. (Thank you, Barack and Michelle)
Dyanne: What is your secret to getting the ladies in your yahoo group so involved in current issues? I love your group.

Ev: I love the group too, Dyanne, and can’t take any credit. I feel truly blessed to be associated with these women, and a couple of men, from all over the country who came together because of a love of reading. But reading is only one aspect of our lives. I don’t get the members involved in current issues. They already are. What I do, is allow expression of those other aspects of our lives. We can discuss anything a member wants to talk about, including other writers’ books, and touchy subjects like politics, religion, and family. The only rules are that we remain respectful of each other in our discourse, understand that another intelligent person can come to a different conclusion, not take or send anything personally, and ignore any subject you aren’t interested in. Violators will be deleted. It works well. I’ve had occasion to question my own long-held beliefs and I’ve learned a lot. I’m glad you joined and we enjoy your participation. (evelynpalfrey@yahoogroups.com)
Dyanne: Will you tell us about your future writing plans and the title of the book you have coming out?
Ev: I’m working on a story, Against Her Better Judgment, for an anthology with two fabulous writers. Doing the research for it has been a gas. All I’ll say about that is gun ranges, dog kennels and young hard-bodied police officers. The working title of my next full novel is How Could You Leave Me. It’s the story of a woman who shocks her friends and family by taking in a homeless man.
Dyanne: Thanks Evelyn. How can the readers reach you?
Thank you, Dyanne.
Interview With Seressia Glass
Dyanne: Seressia, I know first hand that you’re a truly talented writer and an award-winning author at that. Would you please tell my readers a little about yourself and your life before becoming a writer?
Seressia: Thanks, Dyanne. I’ve been writing since I learned how. I started with short stories for extra credit in elementary school, writing skits for PTA, and several essays, one for MLK Day which won a city-wide contest here in Atlanta (I’m one of those rare birds: a native Atlantan living in Atlanta.) I’ve had various retail jobs over the years before I moved into the corporate training arena. For a while, I worked part time in a bookstore and that’s how I met ladies with the Georgia Romance Writers. Stephanie Bond told me about the group, I went for a visit, joined, and got the motivation necessary to finish my book.
Dyanne: Why did you choose the romance genre?
Seressia: I love love stories. I love the emotional rollercoaster. I love the heroine’s journey. I love that you can write about a wide variety of settings. And I especially love that no matter what the couple goes through, you know they will have a happily-ever after.

Seressia: Thanks, Dyanne. I’ve been writing since I learned how. I started with short stories for extra credit in elementary school, writing skits for PTA, and several essays, one for MLK Day which won a city-wide contest here in Atlanta (I’m one of those rare birds: a native Atlantan living in Atlanta.) I’ve had various retail jobs over the years before I moved into the corporate training arena. For a while, I worked part time in a bookstore and that’s how I met ladies with the Georgia Romance Writers. Stephanie Bond told me about the group, I went for a visit, joined, and got the motivation necessary to finish my book.
Dyanne: Why did you choose the romance genre?
Seressia: I love love stories. I love the emotional rollercoaster. I love the heroine’s journey. I love that you can write about a wide variety of settings. And I especially love that no matter what the couple goes through, you know they will have a happily-ever after.

Dyanne: Seressia, if you could not be a writer what other dream job would you have chosen? LOL.
Seressia: That’s a good question. I’ve wanted to write for so long that I didn’t have a backup plan. I went to college intending to get a journalism or communications degree. If I wasn’t writing fiction, I’d be writing something—which is actually what I do in my day job. Write training materials. Oh wait, for a brief time in high school, I was in an all-girl band. I played guitar. We were called Scarlet Mane—a blend of the Bangles meets Klymaxx meets the Ramones. We had a few songs but never had a public performance—life got in the way. I still have a guitar that I occasionally pick up.
Dyanne: Seressia, thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview. If there’s anything you’d like to say to the readers please do so. Also would you give a link for reader to view your work?
Thanks, Dyanne for interviewing me! Readers, thank you for investing your time and your money in my work. It is those two things that enable me to continue doing what I truly love to do. Keep buying new and we can keep writing for you!
All of my current and upcoming releases can be viewed at www.seressia.com/books
Seressia: That’s a good question. I’ve wanted to write for so long that I didn’t have a backup plan. I went to college intending to get a journalism or communications degree. If I wasn’t writing fiction, I’d be writing something—which is actually what I do in my day job. Write training materials. Oh wait, for a brief time in high school, I was in an all-girl band. I played guitar. We were called Scarlet Mane—a blend of the Bangles meets Klymaxx meets the Ramones. We had a few songs but never had a public performance—life got in the way. I still have a guitar that I occasionally pick up.
Dyanne: Seressia, thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview. If there’s anything you’d like to say to the readers please do so. Also would you give a link for reader to view your work?
Thanks, Dyanne for interviewing me! Readers, thank you for investing your time and your money in my work. It is those two things that enable me to continue doing what I truly love to do. Keep buying new and we can keep writing for you!
All of my current and upcoming releases can be viewed at www.seressia.com/books
Interview With Jackie Hamilton
Jackie, since writing as part of a team for so many years I want you to know I have the smelling salts in case you get nervous. (Smile) I don’t want the other half of your JM Jefferies writing team looking at your answers until they’re in the RSJ newsletter.
Dyanne: You’re a big animal lover and your next book features a pig. What animal do you think have the attributes of a large portion of males? (I’ll bet you thought I was going to ask if you were a vegetarian. I was but didn’t think it would be a safe question. LOL).
Jackie: No need for the salts unless we’re going to use it on my steak. I think men are most like dogs (which are my favorite animal. I want to grow up and be a dog lady which might mean I also want my own harem of nubile young studs to attend me, but that’s another interview isn’t it. ) Most of the men in my life have been loyal, well trained, protective, playful, and accepting. As have most of my dogs. I’m sensing a theme here.
Dyanne: You write as Simone Harlow and as part of JM Jefferies, which persona is sexier?
Jackie: Simone Harlow used to be, but J.M. has been dipping her toe into more erotic adventures like the novella we did for Creepin, called Balancing the Scales, and J.M. has a short story called She’s No Shrinking Violet for a Phaze anthology called Coming Together At Last. Simone defiantly has the bigger potty mouth.
Dyanne: What new project are you involved with?
Jackie: As J.M. Jeffries Miriam and I have a book in The Lotus Blossom Chronicles 2 called Dirty Little Secrets (that’s the story staring Royal Dandie Pig) Suite Nothings which is the second book in the Suite series. Also a novella in Carnival Diabolique called Mistress of the Beasts. It’s about a demon hunting African princess. As Simone Harlow I have a story in What White Boyz Ride called Flow and another one in Caliente called Julia’s Second Act. Then Simone is taking a much needed vacation for a bit.
Dyanne: As host for RSJ 2009 can you tell us how things are shaping up and what we the readers can do to help.
Jackie: Things are shaping up well. Most of the major details are taken care of. My list of workshops is complete, and we are just counting down the days. And people are beginning to register.
Dyanne: Thanks Jackie. I can’t wait to see you in a few months.
Jackie: You are most welcome. L.A. is going to be a blast
Dyanne: You’re a big animal lover and your next book features a pig. What animal do you think have the attributes of a large portion of males? (I’ll bet you thought I was going to ask if you were a vegetarian. I was but didn’t think it would be a safe question. LOL).
Jackie: No need for the salts unless we’re going to use it on my steak. I think men are most like dogs (which are my favorite animal. I want to grow up and be a dog lady which might mean I also want my own harem of nubile young studs to attend me, but that’s another interview isn’t it. ) Most of the men in my life have been loyal, well trained, protective, playful, and accepting. As have most of my dogs. I’m sensing a theme here.
Dyanne: You write as Simone Harlow and as part of JM Jefferies, which persona is sexier?
Jackie: Simone Harlow used to be, but J.M. has been dipping her toe into more erotic adventures like the novella we did for Creepin, called Balancing the Scales, and J.M. has a short story called She’s No Shrinking Violet for a Phaze anthology called Coming Together At Last. Simone defiantly has the bigger potty mouth.

Dyanne: What new project are you involved with?
Jackie: As J.M. Jeffries Miriam and I have a book in The Lotus Blossom Chronicles 2 called Dirty Little Secrets (that’s the story staring Royal Dandie Pig) Suite Nothings which is the second book in the Suite series. Also a novella in Carnival Diabolique called Mistress of the Beasts. It’s about a demon hunting African princess. As Simone Harlow I have a story in What White Boyz Ride called Flow and another one in Caliente called Julia’s Second Act. Then Simone is taking a much needed vacation for a bit.
Dyanne: As host for RSJ 2009 can you tell us how things are shaping up and what we the readers can do to help.
Jackie: Things are shaping up well. Most of the major details are taken care of. My list of workshops is complete, and we are just counting down the days. And people are beginning to register.
Dyanne: Thanks Jackie. I can’t wait to see you in a few months.
Jackie: You are most welcome. L.A. is going to be a blast
Congratulations LaVerne Thompson
Hello Everyone,
Dee here, your RSJ Big Mouth. I asked last year's winner of the Romance Slam Jam Aspiring Author Contest what she's been up to since the Slam Jam, and all I can say is
Read the why below the congratulations below.Be sure to leave a comment for LaVerne.
Greetings from LaVerne ThompsonSince RSJ 2008, my debut contemporary interracial romance, PROMISES, was released from Red Rose Publishing on September 25th in e-book format. I am really excited about it. The story is a highly sensual short about young love lost then found. How many of us have a childhood friend that we were close too, but circumstances beyond our control pulled us apart? A situation like this is what my story is about. I love the cover and everyone at Red Rose has been fantastic. Someone has already asked me if I know the cover model. Unfortunately, no. Here’s an excerpt.

He had taken several steps before he saw her but she hadn’t seen him. Her back was to him, yet he would have known her anywhere, anytime.
He had taken several steps before he saw her but she hadn’t seen him. Her back was to him, yet he would have known her anywhere, anytime.
From the rear she was perfectly proportioned. Above average height, she would only come up to his shoulders in her high heels. He noticed she still wore her hair in that corkscrew style but longer now, hanging well past her shoulders.
When they were kids he loved nothing better than pulling one of her dark curls and watching it spring back towards her head. He wanted to pull one now. His gaze left her hair and followed the back of her dress, admiring the open display all the way down to the top of the curve of her beautifully rounded butt. Her dress ended just below her thighs, giving him a view of long sleek toned legs. She always did have nice legs. Yeah, he wanted to do a lot more than touch her hair.
She must have sensed him staring at her because suddenly she turned around and stared back at him. Even across the crowded room, he could feel her drawing him toward her; pulling him in until only the two of them existed in the universe. Just the way it had always been between them.
This is only the beginning. I have several other projects in the works, some contemporary romances, some fantasy, and I hope to have two print stories out next year as well as another e-book. Check out my blog isisindcblog.blogspot.com for additional information. I hope to see most of you at RSJ 2009 or on that fantastic cruise planned for 2010. I’ve already made my reservations!
Monday, September 1, 2008
All Up In Author's Business!

After reading Gwyneth Bolton’s answers to I think this blog should have a title. All up in the authors business. LOL. What do you, the readers think? As you guessed, we’re about to be all up in Gwyneth Bolton’s business.
Dyanne: Gwyneth, thanks for playing along with this interview. There is a method to my madness other than just being plain insane. I’m hoping the readers will play along and enjoy this. I’m also hoping to show them writers have a fun and approachable side. Ready for the first question? Here it is: If you were granted the power to end either world hunger or have world peace, which would it be? And no, you can’t try to answer so that you can do both.
Gwyneth: That’s a hard one. But I’m going to go with end world hunger. Because honestly, if things were equitable and fair and folks around the world had the basic necessities like food, clothes and shelter, we’d get peace as a by-product. If not, then at least those currently disproportionately affected by poverty and hunger would be able to live and fight on the side of right until we get peace. The cynic in me believes that wicked people are always going to find reasons to war. So, we need more folks who are strong, ready, willing and able to fight for righteous causes. So feed them; end world hunger.
Dyanne: I like your answer and knew you’d find a way to have your choice affect both (smile). Now you’ve been given a chance to rewrite one scene in your personal life. What scene would that be?
Gwyneth: Dang, Dyanne, you all up in my personal business. Sorry, I can’t share the one I would really change ‘cause I don’t know you like that. LOL. But there are a few boyfriends in the past that—knowing what I know no
w—I would have walked on by. So, that summer night before my senior year of high school when I was walking around with my best friend Lily and we thought we were too hot to trot and that boy I’d seen and secretly liked finally said hello and asked for my phone number… Instead of telling him yes and spending that night on the phone until I couldn’t keep my eyes open and the next six years of my life in that mess of a relationship… I would have said I don’t have a phone and kept it moving. LOL. What I didn’t know then is that there was a much better guy for me waiting a few years down the road, and I had plenty of things to keep me busy until our destinies linked up.
Dyanne: That was a really great answer. I love it especially the end. To bad we can’t see into the future. Now, for the serious stuff. Tell us what you’ve been up to and what books you have coming out this year and any future works that you’re at liberty to talk about.
Gwyneth: This year is a busy year for me. It’s the release year for the first three books in my new series, Hightower Honors: four brothers on a mission to protect, serve and love. Hightower Honors chronicles the lives and loves of four very hot and sexy brothers from a strong upper-middle class Paterson, New Jersey family with a rich legacy of public service. The Hightower men are all tall, dark and handsome alpha males. Their upbringing dictates that when push comes to shove, they should always do the right thing. The only catch is that sometimes the right thing in their minds has to be done the right way, their way. Raised by two loving parents, James and Celia Hightower, the brothers know what real love looks like and they want it for themselves. Eventually. On their own terms.
The first book in the series, PROTECT AND SERVE was released in July 2008. The next books in the series are MAKE IT HOT, THE LAW OF DESIRE and SIZZLING SEDUCTION. In MAKE IT HOT, September 2008, Joel Hightower is a fireman injured on the job and forced to think about a career outside of his dream job. Too bad he can’t think around the spunky physical therapist helping him recover. In THE LAW OF DESIRE, December 2008, the woman Lawrence Hightower finds himself falling in love with could very well be a criminal. He needs to figure out who she really is before the criminals looking for her find her. In SIZZLING SEDUCTION, October 2009, Patrick Hightower is used to putting out fires, but a sweet and sexy kindergarten teacher breaks through his protective shield and gets him thinking it might be more fun starting one.
Dyanne: Thanks Gwyneth. Where can readers reach you?
Gwyneth: Readers can e-mail me gwynethbolton@prodigy.net. They can visit me and contact me via my website http://www.gwynethbolton.com or they can look me up on MySpace http://www.myspace.com/gwynethbolton or look for me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/people/Gwyneth_Bolton/1039714933. Readers can also reach me via snail mail by writing me at PO Box 9388 Carousel Ctr. Syracuse, New York 13290-9381.
Dyanne: Gwyneth, thanks for playing along with this interview. There is a method to my madness other than just being plain insane. I’m hoping the readers will play along and enjoy this. I’m also hoping to show them writers have a fun and approachable side. Ready for the first question? Here it is: If you were granted the power to end either world hunger or have world peace, which would it be? And no, you can’t try to answer so that you can do both.
Gwyneth: That’s a hard one. But I’m going to go with end world hunger. Because honestly, if things were equitable and fair and folks around the world had the basic necessities like food, clothes and shelter, we’d get peace as a by-product. If not, then at least those currently disproportionately affected by poverty and hunger would be able to live and fight on the side of right until we get peace. The cynic in me believes that wicked people are always going to find reasons to war. So, we need more folks who are strong, ready, willing and able to fight for righteous causes. So feed them; end world hunger.
Dyanne: I like your answer and knew you’d find a way to have your choice affect both (smile). Now you’ve been given a chance to rewrite one scene in your personal life. What scene would that be?
Gwyneth: Dang, Dyanne, you all up in my personal business. Sorry, I can’t share the one I would really change ‘cause I don’t know you like that. LOL. But there are a few boyfriends in the past that—knowing what I know no

Dyanne: That was a really great answer. I love it especially the end. To bad we can’t see into the future. Now, for the serious stuff. Tell us what you’ve been up to and what books you have coming out this year and any future works that you’re at liberty to talk about.
Gwyneth: This year is a busy year for me. It’s the release year for the first three books in my new series, Hightower Honors: four brothers on a mission to protect, serve and love. Hightower Honors chronicles the lives and loves of four very hot and sexy brothers from a strong upper-middle class Paterson, New Jersey family with a rich legacy of public service. The Hightower men are all tall, dark and handsome alpha males. Their upbringing dictates that when push comes to shove, they should always do the right thing. The only catch is that sometimes the right thing in their minds has to be done the right way, their way. Raised by two loving parents, James and Celia Hightower, the brothers know what real love looks like and they want it for themselves. Eventually. On their own terms.
The first book in the series, PROTECT AND SERVE was released in July 2008. The next books in the series are MAKE IT HOT, THE LAW OF DESIRE and SIZZLING SEDUCTION. In MAKE IT HOT, September 2008, Joel Hightower is a fireman injured on the job and forced to think about a career outside of his dream job. Too bad he can’t think around the spunky physical therapist helping him recover. In THE LAW OF DESIRE, December 2008, the woman Lawrence Hightower finds himself falling in love with could very well be a criminal. He needs to figure out who she really is before the criminals looking for her find her. In SIZZLING SEDUCTION, October 2009, Patrick Hightower is used to putting out fires, but a sweet and sexy kindergarten teacher breaks through his protective shield and gets him thinking it might be more fun starting one.

Dyanne: Thanks Gwyneth. Where can readers reach you?
Gwyneth: Readers can e-mail me gwynethbolton@prodigy.net. They can visit me and contact me via my website http://www.gwynethbolton.com or they can look me up on MySpace http://www.myspace.com/gwynethbolton or look for me on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/people/Gwyneth_Bolton/1039714933. Readers can also reach me via snail mail by writing me at PO Box 9388 Carousel Ctr. Syracuse, New York 13290-9381.
Say Hello to Gwynne Forster

Dyanne: Gwynne, thanks for taking the time from your deadlines to participate in the RSJ blog. These questions are not the usual, so don’t think I’ve gone loopy. My first question for you: Share a secret with RSJ that you would never want to see in print.
Gwynne: I may have some, but if I share them, I’ll surely see them in print. Right?
Dyanne: LOL. I was hoping I’d sneak that one past you. I should have known better. Okay, here’s another one. If you were ruler of the world, what would your first order be?
Gwynne: I would eliminate all the differences among people except gender and language. We need the language barriers, because eliminating them would give us something to strive for. And Lord knows we need the gender differences. At least I do.
Dyanne: LOL. I also need the gender differences. I never thought about the language barriers, but I’m in agreement with you. What a great answer. We all have vices, so tell me the one vice you have that you’ll never give up.
Gwynne: Probably chewing gum, which I always do when I’m working at the computer. My father thought it worse than a vice.
Dyanne: Now that the crazy part of this interview is over, tell us a little about your next project and where readers can reach you. Thanks again for playing along. I know how busy you are right now. Where can readers reach you?

Gwynne: I have two books—a mainstream and a romance—coming out in October. The mainstream is entitled A DIFFERENT KIND OF BLUES, and it’s the story of a woman who gets a shock and, consequently, sets put to turn her life around. The romance, WHAT MATTERS MOST, is about a doctor who, after an earth shaking epiphany, departs from all he has known and all he’s ever been to become a different, kinder, gentler and more admirable man, the obstacles he encounters and the woman who stands with him through it all. This book is a part of a project aimed to introduce St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and its services to African American women who don’t know that the service is free for their sick children if they have no insurance. The book is not about St. Jude; it is a romance in which some characters are involved with St. Jude.
Gwynne Forster
Gwynne: I may have some, but if I share them, I’ll surely see them in print. Right?
Dyanne: LOL. I was hoping I’d sneak that one past you. I should have known better. Okay, here’s another one. If you were ruler of the world, what would your first order be?
Gwynne: I would eliminate all the differences among people except gender and language. We need the language barriers, because eliminating them would give us something to strive for. And Lord knows we need the gender differences. At least I do.
Dyanne: LOL. I also need the gender differences. I never thought about the language barriers, but I’m in agreement with you. What a great answer. We all have vices, so tell me the one vice you have that you’ll never give up.
Gwynne: Probably chewing gum, which I always do when I’m working at the computer. My father thought it worse than a vice.
Dyanne: Now that the crazy part of this interview is over, tell us a little about your next project and where readers can reach you. Thanks again for playing along. I know how busy you are right now. Where can readers reach you?

Gwynne: I have two books—a mainstream and a romance—coming out in October. The mainstream is entitled A DIFFERENT KIND OF BLUES, and it’s the story of a woman who gets a shock and, consequently, sets put to turn her life around. The romance, WHAT MATTERS MOST, is about a doctor who, after an earth shaking epiphany, departs from all he has known and all he’s ever been to become a different, kinder, gentler and more admirable man, the obstacles he encounters and the woman who stands with him through it all. This book is a part of a project aimed to introduce St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and its services to African American women who don’t know that the service is free for their sick children if they have no insurance. The book is not about St. Jude; it is a romance in which some characters are involved with St. Jude.
Gwynne Forster
A Hello To Lisa G. Riley

Dyanne: Hi Lisa G. Congratulations on your book Simply Wicked and your anthology piece in Zane’s Honey Flava. I hear they’re doing really well. I bet you’re nervous, wondering what crazy questions I’m going to ask you, so here goes: As a PR person you have been given the go ahead to take ONE writer to the top (and it can’t be you unless you can figure out a way to get rid of your client) So how are you going to take that client to the top? Or are you going to get rid of them? LOL
Lisa: Actually, that’s a difficult question. It would depend on what the client’s book is about. For instance, say a client sets a book in London. One idea would be to fly that client to London and have her do signings at the various places she may have mentioned in the book. Of course, a contest would be in order as well. That could be anything: answers to questions about the client or her book, or sending in proof of purchase—your receipt—of the client’s book, etc. After a random drawing, the winner could receive an all expense paid trip to London for two. The contest would be announced during commercials of shows with heavy female viewership (Good Morning America, The Today Show, etc.), or better yet, get that author on one of those shows, and get her interviewed by newspapers. There would also be a contest in London, with the winner being given a special meeting with that author and maybe a shopping spree in London, I don’t know…but it would be something fabulous! And of course, I like the idea of the proof of purchase contest idea the best!
Dyanne: I hope everyone’s taking note on the good ideas you’ve given. Since you didn’t kill off your client, I’ll give you a chance to do something fun. What one totally selfish thing would you like to do for Lisa?
Lisa: I don’t know if this could be called selfish since I only have myself to worry about at this point in my life, but I’d like to take myself off to Paris and London for a year or so. You know, a couple of my books (Simply Wicked and Caught Up in the Rapture), are at least partially set in those cities—one in each of them. I just love them!
Dyanne: You’re right; that’s not VERY selfish. I hope you get to live your dream. On the writing front, what are your future plans?
Lisa: I have a completed manuscript that I’m hoping will be picked up soon by a publisher. It’s called Do Me Right, and is about an engaged couple who already lives together and have planned their wedding. The only problem is that one of them doesn’t show up for the wedding. The book follows the two as they try to navigate the problems of their relationship. It sounds serious, I know, but there’s a lot of humor in it. I’m also working on All or Nothing at All, a romantic suspense about a woman in search of a valuable instrument from her father’s estate. She’s not the only one chasing it: the FBI, assorted criminals and the DEA are after it as well. And while she’s chasing clues across the globe, her man is chasing her, trying to pin her down for a commitment.
Dyanne: Thanks Lisa. Where can readers reach you?
Lisa: Thank you, Dyanne, and you’re welcome. My website is http://www.lisagriley.com/ and my e-mail address is lisa@lisagriley.com
Lisa: Actually, that’s a difficult question. It would depend on what the client’s book is about. For instance, say a client sets a book in London. One idea would be to fly that client to London and have her do signings at the various places she may have mentioned in the book. Of course, a contest would be in order as well. That could be anything: answers to questions about the client or her book, or sending in proof of purchase—your receipt—of the client’s book, etc. After a random drawing, the winner could receive an all expense paid trip to London for two. The contest would be announced during commercials of shows with heavy female viewership (Good Morning America, The Today Show, etc.), or better yet, get that author on one of those shows, and get her interviewed by newspapers. There would also be a contest in London, with the winner being given a special meeting with that author and maybe a shopping spree in London, I don’t know…but it would be something fabulous! And of course, I like the idea of the proof of purchase contest idea the best!
Dyanne: I hope everyone’s taking note on the good ideas you’ve given. Since you didn’t kill off your client, I’ll give you a chance to do something fun. What one totally selfish thing would you like to do for Lisa?
Lisa: I don’t know if this could be called selfish since I only have myself to worry about at this point in my life, but I’d like to take myself off to Paris and London for a year or so. You know, a couple of my books (Simply Wicked and Caught Up in the Rapture), are at least partially set in those cities—one in each of them. I just love them!
Dyanne: You’re right; that’s not VERY selfish. I hope you get to live your dream. On the writing front, what are your future plans?
Lisa: I have a completed manuscript that I’m hoping will be picked up soon by a publisher. It’s called Do Me Right, and is about an engaged couple who already lives together and have planned their wedding. The only problem is that one of them doesn’t show up for the wedding. The book follows the two as they try to navigate the problems of their relationship. It sounds serious, I know, but there’s a lot of humor in it. I’m also working on All or Nothing at All, a romantic suspense about a woman in search of a valuable instrument from her father’s estate. She’s not the only one chasing it: the FBI, assorted criminals and the DEA are after it as well. And while she’s chasing clues across the globe, her man is chasing her, trying to pin her down for a commitment.
Dyanne: Thanks Lisa. Where can readers reach you?
Lisa: Thank you, Dyanne, and you’re welcome. My website is http://www.lisagriley.com/ and my e-mail address is lisa@lisagriley.com
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Romance Slam Jam 2008
To view the entire 320 image slide show, click the following link:Romance Slam Jam 2008
Interview with Barbara Keaton

Dyanne: Over the next few months and probably forever we’re going to give you a little info about some of the writers of African American romances. While it might seem that I’m playing favorites and beginning with friends, consider this: I was given a deadline to make the next edition and of the Romance Slam Jam newsletter and, of course, since I procrastinate I had to call on people that I actually call and talk to and beg them, come on, please. LOL. So authors, get ready to get an email from me. We’re going to try to feature every single author. Also if you have books that will be coming out, please let us know. We try to keep up but someone’s new release can get missed. We’re still looking for all debut authors of AA romance to present to the readers. So without further ado, I give you Barbara Keaton.
Barbara Keaton, a native of Chicago, who thinks it's the best in the world, also enjoys writing. Her first diary is dated December 1975! And since then, Barbara has written articles for Today's Black Woman Magazine, Chicago Reader, Chicago Crusader and True Confessions. In addition, Barbara is an accomplished romance author. Barbara credits her late grandfather, Thomas Hill, and the Oblate Sisters of Providence for instilling in her a love and passion for the written word.
Barb will have a new romance coming out with Parker Publishing in Oct of this year, One in A Million.
Dyanne: Barb, can you tell us a little about, One in a Million?
Barb: You know, Dyanne that story for me began more than seven years ago. It started off being a story that was in Homeland Hero. You know how it happens, the characters laid dormant for years. We as authors create many characters in our head who may sit on the shelves until It’s their time to come out. This was the time for the characters. I really enjoyed writing the story and hope the readers will enjoy it also.
Dyanne: I know that you partied with the queen of the vampire huntress series, Ms. L.A. Banks who just happens to be the keynote speaker of RSJ 09. I’m so sorry that I missed her and the rest of the team this year. For the second year you’ve been a member of the guardian team. Any thoughts on that?
Barb: It’s so heartwarming to watch a sister step out and create stories about people with flaws, yet they all have faith. Then you sit there and you go, ‘Wow’ I’m sitting here with the person who’s creating history.
Dyanne: I’m so in agreement with you Barb. It also doesn’t hurt that we both got a mention in her new book. YEAH! Okay last question. I happen to know that you’ve been working several years with women who’ve been in abusive relationships. Seeing as how the majority of the readership of this newsletter are women and many of us have known women in such relationships I think it would be nice to know what you’re doing with the organization next.
Barb: This Oct. 18th a core group of Chicago authors will come together to raise money to provide support services to women in abusive relationships. I believe spousal abuse still remains a part of America’s dirty little secret and doesn’t get the attention it deserves. We’re hoping to double the amount we raised last year. This year we’re honored to have Rochelle Allers as out guest speaker. Anyone in the Chicago area who’d like to be a part of this give me a holler at BNewell572@aol.com Readers can visit my site at www.Barbara Keaton.com
Dyanne: Thanks Barb.
Interview with Kelley Nyrae

Dyanne: It’s my pleasure to introduce to the RSJ family one of the host authors of Romance Slam Jam 09 that you may not have had the chance to meet yet. I dare say this has been an exciting year for Kelly Nyrae.
Dyanne: Kelley, tell us a little about yourself. I know you have a beautiful new baby so don't leave her out.
Kelley: Thanks for interviewing me, Dyanne. I'm a happily married mother of two little girls, one four years old and the other is seven months old. I've loved writing since I was a child and always dreamed of being a writer one day. I'm an avid reader, like to scrap book, watch movies and hang out with my family.
Dyanne: Congratulations on your first book, Getting Lucky with Luciano? It's been getting rave reviews and since I read it I agree with all the good press. How does it feel to have your dream come to fruition?
Kelley: Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed Luciano. This whole experience is amazing to me. I still have trouble believing its true, lol. To me being a published author was always one of those dreams that you had but you didn't really expect to come true. I'm still riding the high of knowing that I did it! I'm so lucky to have the chance to do what I love.
Dyanne: Kelley, tell me since your baby is less than a year old and so is your book which birth was easier?
Kelly: Well I struggled more writing my book then making the baby, LOL. Both births were exciting, scary and so very worth it!
Dyanne: LOL. I’m VERY pleased to know making the baby wasn’t a struggle. Now that I’ve stopped laughing, what are your future plans?
Kelley: My plans are just to enjoy this ride that I feel privileged to be on. I have one novel, three novellas, and one short story all coming out in 2009. I just want to keep telling the stories in my head, to keep giving my characters their happily ever after. I can only hope readers enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoy writing them. Thank you so much for taking the time to interview me! I had a blast. If anyone would like to read more about me or my books my website is www.kelleynyrae.com. I have two blogs one at www.kelleynyrae.blogspot.com and a group author blog at www.threewickedwriters.blogspot.com
Dyanne, Before I let you go Kelley, as chair person on your committee is there anything you want to say concerning your plans for RSJ 2009?
Kelley: First let me say I'm so loving working on Slam Jam 2009. It's been such a blast for me so far! We have a few fun little activities up our sleeves for next year. We have games set up where readers and writers can act out the EMMA nominated books, a beach theme party, wonderful author workshops and intimate session with authors such as LA Banks and some sight seeing time thrown it too!
Dyanne: Kelley it’s been fun getting to know you. Again, congrats on both births. I’m looking forward to all the wonderful things that you and Jackie and Miriam and all the other members of your committee have planned for us next year. This is one conference that the readers of this newsletter will not want to miss. It’s going to be, DA BOMB!!
Dyanne Davis
Interview with Deatri King-Bey

Dyanne: I’ll betcha you all thought you knew everything there was to know about Deatri didn’t you? Well I can assure you that you don’t and neither do I. But I do know that Deatri and her family steal babies and have done this for many years. They actually are proud of that fact. So Deatri, would you tell us how and why your family steals babies?
Deatri: LOL. Oh yeah, my family has been stealing babies for generations. Actually, I think quite a few in our culture “steal” babies and don’t even realize it. For me, it started with members of my family. I just didn’t like the way their parents were raising them, so we took them in to give their parents a “break” and just kept them. That’s how it usually happens. Next thing you know, you have six children and you only birthed two.
Dyanne: I’ll bet that question caught everyone’s attention. LOL. Deatri, I want you to think this over for a second (or two) and tell me if you were handed a million dollars what would you do other than buy a tank of gas?
Deatri: Awww heck, ,the million dollar question—literally SMILE. Actually, that’s pretty easy. I have a learning disability; I’m dyslexic. Learning to read and write in the small town I came from was not the easiest. I’ve always had a soft spot for children. Children and literacy are very important to me. I’d start a literacy organization for our youth. Yep, I know there are a million and one out there, but they aren’t done the way I’d do it. Mine would be another choice for them.
Dyanne: And I have no doubt that yours would be the best and the children would receive love as well as a love of reading. How about another question? You’ve just been granted three wishes. What will you wish for?
Deatri: Okay, I won’t cheat and make the first wish be unlimited wishes.
Wish One: People would chose to stop living in ignorance and actually take a serious interest in what is going on in the world and act accordingly.
Wow my life must be good, because I can’t think of two more wishes. Hmmm, y’all are lucky you don’t have to actually wait for the answer. Sheesh. Let me go write a book. I’ll be back LOL.
Wish Two: That people stop being petty. Life is too short.
Wish Three: That the future homes I live in are only one floor and have PLENTY of built in bookshelves. Life is hard for a read-a-holic.
Ha ha ha. Thought you had me stumped, didn’t ya!
Dyanne: To be honest Dee, I thought you were going to wish for unlimited wishes. I would have. LOL. I saved asking anything about RSJ for last because I wanted some fun facts that no one knew about you. Everyone knows by now that Romance Slam Jam is becoming incorporated. Can you tell us a little about how it’s coming and why that’s important?
Deatri: Our official name is now Romance Slam Jam Incorporated. The slogan is: Where love of literacy and Black romance meet. In another year, hopefully the Federal Government will see the benefit in officially making us a non-profit organization.
Check out our logo:

Every year a new batch of hosts literally had to start from scratch to organize the conference, and these new organizers didn’t know the how’s or who or even what. And I mean every aspect had to be recreated, contacts found and established, sponsors sought… Heck, we didn’t even have a consistent location for the website. We had to literally “find” each other every year.
Needless to say, it could become overwhelming, was a nightmare and didn’t make sense to me. I went to Miss Emma and Francis Ray and explained about turning RSJ into an organization and why, and they were in agreement. Thus the organization was created.
Presently, the RSJ Organization is the knowledge base that selects and works with the hosts to maintain consistency between conferences, gives guidance on the how to’s, has connections with potential sponsors and the publishing industry…I could go on and on, but I have to get back to writing my other two wishes SMILE. Now the hosts have a partner to help ensure their success.
But that’s not all! The RSJ is ever evolving and will become what we all make of it. Just like the conference, the organization will serve readers and authors. Eventually we’d like to have activities for readers and authors throughout the year.
Dyanne: You noticed I didn’t ask you about any of your new work. Your new work which I’m pleased to say that I’ve read and loved will be a total surprise when it hit the shelves. But until it’s ready for publication I didn’t think you’d want to talk about that. But your readers might still just want to hear that you’ve got some exciting things in store for them
Deatri: Yeah, I have a TOP SECRET baby in the works that won’t be ready to submit until around September. I’m working with another author on that project and I REAAAALLLLY wish I could tell you all about that novel. We have a penname and aren’t even releasing that. Man I can hardly WAIT. It’s not a romance, it’s a thriller—of sorts. Y’all know I have to mix genre’s LOL.
My last book came out in May 07, and though I had other manuscripts I could have submitted, I was planning the Slam Jam and moving across the country, so didn’t even think about submitting until after Slam Jam 08. Well, I FINALLY sent out three manuscripts a month ago, so it will be a while before I have more novels hit the shelves.
I’m in the process of writing a historical romance—which I’ll be ready to submit this winter, an erotic romance, which I’ll finish late winter, two contemporaries I’ll finish in the spring, and I just came up with a fantastic idea for a young adult novel that I’ll start writing on in a month or two. For those of you who don’t know, I have a short attention span and work on several books at once.
Dyanne: You know I want to do like the little kids and stick my tongue out and go, nana nana nana, I read the book and the rest of you haven’t. LOL. But I won’t. I will say I can’t wait for it to hit the shelf. Good luck with all the other projects you have out and the ones you’re working on. And for the folks that don’t know. Congratulations on winning the Emmy for Steamiest Romance at the 08 RSJ. Thanks Deatri for giving the RSJ family some new info. Now just give your contact info.
Deatri: Sure thing. But first I’d like to thank you, Dyanne, for the fantastic questions and opportunity to speak about the RSJ Organization. Oh man, I need to go back and answer my other two wishes. LOL.
deatri@deewrites.com or deatri@romanceslamjam.org
Or you can always view my website at: http://www.deewrites.com
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