J.S. The one thing about me is that my friends and family are always in my heart. That I still smile at strangers and say good-morning. No I don't know the guy on the cover of my first book Come With Me but the guy described inside is based on a real man. When I knew him ('97-'98) he had long hair, nipple piercings, light skin, and he (let's call him 'Leslie') got me. I'd love to put out a national ad (and reward) and see if I could locate him. So if you know the guy...
Dyanne: I haven’t had a chance to see any guys with nipple piercing but I see anyone matching his description I’ll let you know. LOL. So, tell us, what's the craziest thing you've ever had to happen in your career?
J.S. Getting published. I stumbled blindly and fell in face first. I got very lucky. A friend who had never read a word I'd written, told a friend, who had a friend who was an editor. They harassed me through thick and thin patiently waiting for my life not to be soooo crazy and for me to complete the manuscript I'd been working on for five years. I've lost each of my manuscripts a handful of times. Once one of my 'Cheerleaders' (I was a coach at the time) gave me a magnet when she returned from vacation. I stuck it in my bag and it found its way next to my disk and magnetized the sucker. Another time I was working on the document and we had a power outage. Another time I stuck my hand in my pocket only to fine the perfect little thumb drive sized hole. I also had a fire in my home and a robbery, believe me when I say didn't think the manuscripts would ever get done. However my work turned out to be a solid piece of writing if nothing else. I thank the powers of the Universe that the timing was right. Just shows that sometimes the bad does have a silver lining.
Dyanne: WOW! To me that mean your being a writer was meant to be. How about if now you share your most selfish decadent wish (G-rated)
J.S. Right now I wish I could write the love affair I just ended with my ex. For me he was a very sweet and caring man but I was too busy 'fixing myself' and couldn't commit. Wish I could swallow my pride the way characters do in books and march over there and tell him how I feel and have him feel the same way. You know write our love affair including the HEA ending. Either that or fitting into a pair of size 12 jeans again.
Dyanne: Ahhh, that’s so sweet. The writing the love affair that is. What I wouldn’t give to get into a size 12 again myself. Maybe my third born. (note: I have one child. LOL) What's on your plate for 09?
J.S. With two inter-racial contemporaries on the shelf, I hope to put out a Historical Romance, also with inter-racial overtones, a Romantic mystery, a sci-fi/fantasy/romance, an urban romantic mystery and as many others as I can get to. I'm working on an e-published anthology submission with Isabo Kelly and Tori Anne.
Dyanne: As expected you have a full plate. Congratulations. Last question. J.S. How do you want to be contacted by readers?
J.S. Readers can reach me at J.S.Hawley@hotmail.com, myspace: www.myspace.com/jshawley and even Facebook @ Jae S. Hawley. I've also got a blog up on amazon.com. Thanks for the opportunity Dyanne. Hope to hear from you again.
Dyanne: Thanks Jackqueline/aka J.S. Great interview.
Hi, J.S. and Dyanne. What an interesting interview.
J.S., I agree wtih Dyanne. You're career was pre-destined. Best wishes for continued success.
Hello Patricia,
I know it was a long ago interview but I thank you for reading and commenting. It's nice to know that someone sees agrees with me when I say this was something that was meant to be.
Hey Jae, it's nice to see you in another "element". Nice interview. You definitely had to persevere with that manuscript but dedication is the name of the writing game, huh?
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