Dyanne: Once again RSJ family I’m back with short but insightful interviews. If you ha
ven’t yet seen the interviews you’re dying to see keep waiting. Better yet, email the person and tell tem to contact me. I hope you’ve all had a glorious month and wish the same for each of you for May. I’d love for the readers to email me so we can turn the spotlight on you. Think about it. It’s painless. I promise. Patricia Sargeant is our first author interview for May.

Hello, Patricia, and thank you for doing the interview. Would you tell us a little about yourself please?
Patricia: Dyanne, thank you for including me in these wonderful Romance Slam Jam interviews. I’ve enjoyed reading them, and I’m honored to be included. For a brief background on myself, hmmm, ... My husband and I have lived in Columbus, Ohio, for years. But I'm originally from New York, and still consider Brooklyn home since my family lives there. (Anyone from Brooklyn in the house?) I come from a family of voracious readers and have wanted to tell my own stories since I was nine years old. There's a great quote by Barry Lopez, "Sometimes we
need stories more than food to survive." My hips may not bear it out, but I do agree with the sentiment behind that quote. I've been lucky enough to have three titles published to date, two single titles and a short story in a benefits anthology. My first release is You Belong to Me. It's a romantic suspense that reunites a divorced couple in a race to unmask a serial killer. The story asks the question if you had a second chance, what would you do to ensure your happily ever after? My second release is On Fire. It's also a romantic suspense in which adversaries become allies when they realize a string of arsons are connected to a series of murders. The theme of this story is trust. I believe to love someone unconditionally you have to trust them completely. Would you agree? My third title is The Power of Love. It's a romance anthology featuring original short stories from 12 award-winning and best-selling authors. The goal of the anthology is to raise money for a battered women's shelter in Ohio, and awareness of the issue of domestic violence. I'm very proud to be a part of that project. I have two releases scheduled for June - my first contemporary romance, Sweet Deception, and another multi-author benefits anthology, Tails of Love. Tails of Love will raise money for a no-kill animal shelter in Ohio as well as awareness of the needs of abused and abandoned animals and pets.

Dyanne: Patricia, I wish you the best of luck with all of your books, but most especially the anthologies. I hope you all make lots of money for two very worthy causes. Changing the tone a little bit. What's the craziest thing you've ever had happen in your career?
Patricia: I've given this question a lot of thought. It's an excellent question. The publishing business itself can be pretty crazy. Would you agree? The craziest thing I've ever had happen in my career is the way I got my first contract. I'd heard Kensington was launching Dafina, its African American imprint. I think this was late 2003 or early 2004. I submitted a proposal - a synopsis and the first three chapters - of the story that would become You Belong to Me to the Dafina editor. When I didn't hear anything within the stated response time, I followed up with a letter, and then I called. The editorial assistant explained they'd never received my proposal and asked me to send the complete manuscript. I put aside the project I'd been working on and revised the manuscript again. I wanted to be certain it was as clean as I could get it. Then, I sent it in - and waited. I mailed a letter, made a phone call, sent an e-mail. Within two hours of sending the e-mail, the editor responded that she'd read You Belong to Me and would be calling me to discuss it within two weeks. You could imagine how excited I was. Over the moon. A couple of months went by; still no contact. It's now 2006. I put You Belong to Me completely out of my head and concentrated on my new project. That's when the editor called offering a contract for You Belong to Me. It was a pretty crazy ride.
Dyanne: First off, yes I totally agree with you that the publishing business is crazy. But your story is indeed the reason for my two favorite mottos. Preserve, and never ever give up. Truth is way stranger than fiction. Wow Pat!! I can’t wait to see how you answer the next question. Share your most selfish decadent wish (G-rated).
Patricia: Oh, Dyanne. This one is hard. I think my most selfish, decadent wish is being able to support myself completely with my fiction writing. I have this dream of being able to sleep for eight hours every night. Of being able to read for hours on end solely for pleasure again. Of using vacation time to actually vacation instead of extra time to meet a deadline. Of getting back into a regular exercise routine so I can get healthy and stay healthy.
Dyanne: I could use this moment to reiterate how many people don’t think writers really work. Your answer to the question just proved them wrong. Again. Patricia, What's on your plate for 09?
Patricia: Thanks so much for asking about my 2009 schedule, Dyanne. I'm pretty jazzed about it. My first contemporary romance, Sweet Deception, is a June 2009 release. The theme is female empowerment and identity. The story features a dutiful minister's daughter who leads a secret life as an erotic romance author. When she begins a relationship with another more famous author, her identity is revealed, and she's forced to choose between obligation and passion. I think, especially as women, we wear so many hats – wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, career professional – we sometimes lose track of who we are individually. Who is Dyanne Davis? Who is Patricia Sargeant? Sometimes we allow other people to define us rather than taking the time to define ourselves. Also in June, Berkley will release the romance anthology I mentioned, Tails of Love, which features original short stories by Lori Foster, Stella Cameron, Dianne Castell, Kate Angell, Ann Christopher, Marcia James, Donna MacMeans, Sarah McCarty, Sue-Ellen Welfonder and me. My short story, “Scaredy Cat,” features a heroine whose adopted stray cat plays matchmaker. I feel silly admitting this, but I fell for the guy the cat chose for the heroine, too. If you read the story, let me know what you think of Paul Strahan. Also for 2009, I hope to shop a couple of romantic suspense projects. I love writing contemporaries and hope to continue. But I’d also like to continue writing romantic suspense.
Dyanne: Patricia, you’re a terrific interview. Thank you. You do know I’m wondering if Paul is fact or fiction don’t you. I’ll have to make sure to get a copy of the book. I promise this is the last question. How do you want to be contacted by readers?
Patricia: I love hearing from readers! I love talking about my books, Dyanne’s great books, other author’s books, yada, yada, yada. Please feel free to e-mail me at BooksByPatricia@yahoo.com. In the interest of full disclosure, I admit that, while I’m on deadline, I’m not able to respond as quickly as I usually do. However, I do appreciate the communication and I always respond. Just sometimes not that quickly. Dyanne, thank you so much for taking the time to chat with me. This truly has been great fun!
SWEET DECEPTION, Kensington Publishing, June 2009TAILS OF LOVE, Berkley Publishing, June 2009 http://www.patriciasargeant.com/ Romances To Die For
SWEET DECEPTION, Kensington Publishing, June 2009TAILS OF LOVE, Berkley Publishing, June 2009 http://www.patriciasargeant.com/ Romances To Die For
Dyanne: Thanks Patricia. I really enjoyed the interview.
Thank you very much for interviewing me for the Romance Slam Jam Blogspot. You're a great interviewer. I had a blast with your questions.
Hey Patricia and Dyanne...
I recently finished Sweet Deception and I LOVED IT. This was my first book by Patricia and I look forward to reading more....:-)
Great Interview !!!
'Cilla! You are too kind! I was so nervous about my first contemporary. Your words lifted my spirit and helped me while I struggled with my second one. Thank you so much!
Great interview! I had the pleasure of reading Sweet Deception before it went to Kensington, and I loved it! I also got an advance look at Patricia's story in Tails of Love. ;-) I can recommend both books!
-- Marcia ;-)
Marcia!!! You're such a sweetheart! Thanks for stopping by, and thank you for your kind words regarding my June releases. :)
Hi, Everyone.
I'd like to share with you please the link to my Sweet Deception book video. I hope you enjoy it! :)
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