Monday, June 1, 2009

Interview with Aspiring Author Darlene Cole

Dyanne: I decided to search out a winner of an Aspiring Author contest to see how she’s doing. A few years ago, Darlene won the Parker Publishing Aspiring Author Contest. Darlene, you won an aspiring writer's contest a couple of years ago. Can you tell us (honestly) about the experience and what has happened with your writing since?

Darlene: When my name was announced, I was speechless, it was such an honor. Since then I've written another story, and continue honing my writing skills.

Dyanne: Did entering the contest make you work harder toward your goal or has it had the opposite affect?

Darlene: My goal has always been to become a published author. What the contest did was make me realize I could be published. So I guess you can say the contest has made me work harder to achieve that goal.

Dyanne: Tell us a little about you, what you write, what you read and what you're doing now.

Darlene: I live in Saratoga, NY. That's about 150 miles north of New York City and about 150 miles south of the Canada border. I have two grown daughter and two teenage grandchildren. And, I've just celebrated my sixtieth birthday.

As far as what I write, my motto is: "I write the type of stories I like to read." Basically they're romantic, but I like including different issues. One story is about a young couple who receives a lesson on commitment from a World War II veteran. Another one tells of a man's personal growth as realizes his love for a woman of color.

I am a romance junkie, but will read any book that catches my fancy. I've just finished reading E. Lynn Harris book; "Basketball Jones." Right now, I'm finishing up a novelette I call "My Everything." It was inspired by a question asked at RSJ '08 as to why aren't many stories written about a full figure women getting the fine looking brothers? We know it happens.

Dyanne: Are there plans to attend another conference? Are you going to attend the cruise?

Darlene: I'll answer your second question first, I plan on being on the cruise and because of that I'm only doing a few local conferences this year.

Dyanne: Is there anyplace you call home that we can visit and maybe sample some of your work.

Darlene: I wish there was. Right now, I'm trying to set up my web page once it up I will be announcing it to the world, because I would love for people to read my stories.

Dyanne: Darlene, I wish you the best of luck in your career. Thanks for doing the interview.

Darlene: Thank you Dyanne

1 comment:

Patricia Sargeant said...

Darlene and Dyanne, thanks for another great interview.

Darlene, best wishes for success with your writing. I'm so glad you're working toward realizing your goal.

