Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Kicking Off December with Dyanne Davis
By now there is no way that not each and every one of you knows about Destination Romance. Deatri came up with an idea to have an anthology set aboard our upcoming cruise and to use RSJ as our backdrop. Then came the idea to give any and all profits to charity. We chose, Southside Help Center in Chicago because of education and assistance it gives to victims of HIV. AIDS in African American women is on the rise and we wanted to do something to help.
Destination Romance is our way of helping. All of the separate stories are out in ebook format and just a few days after you read this, ‘ALL’ of the stories will be available in one print book. The separate stories and the print book can be purchased at http://www.redrosepublishing.com/ We wish to thank each of you who have purchased the individual stories and those of you who are waiting for the print edition.
Now it gives me great pleasure to bring to you in alphabetical order each author involved in this project and to tell you a little of what they’re up to. You’ll also hear from A. M. Well, who designed the Destination Romance trailer, Red Rose Publishing and South Side Health Center.
There are a lot of interviews this month. So many they wouldn't all fit on the front page so please be sure to click on the older post link in the botton right side of the screen after the last interview on the page.
Dyanne Davis
A Few Words from A. C. Arthur

The first part of the year will seem like a hiatus but as soon as the heat of summer truly begins to rise the first story in The Lakefields series will be released. Summer Heat, Kimani Press, August 2010. After meeting at the opening of a casino in Maryland (Full House Seduction) Sam Desdune and Karena Lakefield are dying to get to know each other better.
August will also bring the release of my debut into the young adult genre (writing as Artist Arthur) with the release of Manifest: A Misfits Novel. The first paranormal young adult release from Kimani TRU is scheduled to hit the shelves in August and I can’t wait! If you think seeing ghosts is strange just wait ‘til you see what else these teenagers can do!
More Than a Few Words From Deatri King-Bey
It didn’t stop there folks. I’m known for getting people into stuff (SMILE). I went on to sugges

Next is the publisher Wendi Felter of Red Rose Publishing. When I asked Wendi about publishing Destination Romance, again I was met without hesitation. She said yes without even seeing the anthology or knowing what authors were in it. And when I told her the authors wanted to donate their royalties to the South Side Health Clinic, she said that was wonderful and she would forgo profits from the series also. She went a step further and asked the editor, Crystal Hubbard, and cover artist, Shirley Burnett to donate their salaries for this work to the SSHC and guess what? They both said YES.
Do you see where I’m headed here. This does not happen. I’m just overwhelmed. Every step of the way the support for this project has been phenomenal. Lemme keep on going. Have you seen the Destination Romance Trailer? Excellent work. We have none other than A. M. Wells to thank, and guess what. Yes, she also donated her time and talent for this project.

I’m not done. I spoke with Louise Snead, publisher of the national publication Affaire de Coeur magazine, and told her what we were trying to do and guess what? Yes, again she jumped in to contribute. She is running a full length article about the effort in December’s issue of the magazine.
Next we have Vanessa Smith, the executive director of the South Side Help Center, and yes she too gives in a selfless way. Do you realize African-American women are the fastest growing population being diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. Why? We have to do something and I’m grateful Vanessa’s organization is there with the “know how” and “spirit to do something about it.”
Now you know Miss Emma, one of the Romance Slam Jam founders, is in the mix also. Back when I first told her about the anthology and the proceeds going to charity, she jumped in also and has been spreading the word about it to anyone who will listen.
Last but not least, we have YOU, the Romance Slam Jam Family. You were our inspiration. This project would not be without you. Every year we get together and celebrate our love of reading and writing Black romance. We also try to give back to the community. Every year you come through, and this year is no different. Thank you for supporting the South Side Help Center with your purchase of Destination Romance. Thank you for spreading the word. Thank you for being you.
I love you all. I really do. You all make me proud.
Deatri King-Bey
A Few Words from Niobia Bryant

I love to connect with the readers and look forward to seeing everyone on the RSJ Cruise. Also, they can reach me all over the net. LOL. Facebook Fan Page, Facebook Personal Page, Follow me on Twitter!, Join me on Myspace, Meesha Mink Myspace, My Amazon Profile Page, Niobia Bryant News Yahoo Group, Shelfari: Unlimited_Ink, Simone Bryant (YA) Twitter, Simone Bryant (YA)–Facebook.
Niobia Bryant Meesha Mink Simone Bryant
Four Genres...Three Publishers...One Writer
http://www.niobiabryant.com/ http://www.meeshamink.com/ Facebook Twitter
Urban Fiction: THE HOOD LIFE...Out NOW!
Mainstream: LIVE AND LEARN...Coming February 2010 (mass market)
YA Fiction: Pace Academy: FABULOUS...Coming February 2010
Mainstream: MESSAGE FROM A MISTRESS...Coming March 2010
Romance: GIVE ME FEVER...Coming May 2010
YA Fiction: Pace Academy: NOTORIOUS...Coming 2011
A Few Words from Barbara Keaton

The past few months have been super busy for me. I started a new job a couple of months ago, which I'm still becoming acclimated to. I also had a story to come out with Parker Publishing in November. It’s part of an anthology, He’s Good with His Hands. My contribution to the anthology is titled, Mr. Telephone Man. I had so much fun writing that story. You can find it at http://www.parker-publishing-shopping.com/index.php
I’ve been extremely busy creating a new romance series. I’ve also been having a lot of personal “SWEET” time. I’m so looking forward to seeing each and every one of you on the cruise.
Lastly, I want to thank you for supporting Destination Romance. I have been actively involved with the center in all of its endeavors for several years. I can assure you that this is an organization does what it promises. Many people have been helped by their various programs.
Barbara Keaton
A Few Words from AlTonya Washington

Thanks to all of you wonderful readers for your awesome support of my debut publishing effort A Lover's Soul- The Ramseys Book VII. Look for the releases of Lover's Allure and A Ramsey Wedding this holiday season. My next Harlequin/Kimani title The Doctor's Private Visit releases January 2010. Visit my website for more info: http://www.lovealtonya.com/
AlTonya Washington
A Few Words from Wendi
On a more personal note, Red Rose Publishing has been awarded Publisher of the Year, Upcoming Publisher of the Year as well as we have been awarded NAPW-National Association of Professional Women 100 top Women in the World. Come see why all of the authors of Red Rose Publishing are what makes Red Rose Publishing the place to be, find excellent books as well as some of the top Black writers and Multicultural Writers in the world. From Essence Magazine Author of the Year, LA Banks, Lifetime Achievement Award, Marilyn Lee, and such wonderful authors that will take your breathe away!
www.redrosepublishing.com See why our slogan is Publishing with a Touch of Class!
A Few Words from A.M. Wells
A.M. Wells
A Few Words From Vanessa Smith
I would like to tell you a little about our organization. We’re a social service organization. We started out to provide HIV education. Our primary focus is on AIDS. We offer direct care for women, men and young adults. We also provide shelter for homeless women and children. Among the things we’re most proud of is our education for partners of incarcerated men. (for obvious reasons) Thank you once again.
Vanessa Smith
A Few Words From Dyanne Davis

My plans for the New Year include a complete makeover of my website. I’ve also decided to try my hand at publishing a book of short stories which will be available in PDF format from my website. In the meantime I’m writing, submitting my work, and hoping for the best.
Have a safe and blessed holiday. And God willing, I’ll see you back here next year.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Interview with Author Victoria Wells
Hello RSJ family,
Happy Birthday to all of the November babies and a belated Happy Birthday to all the family born in October.
I’m going to wish all of you not just persona health and happiness but wish that for your computers as well. Can you believe first Dee, now me? My hard drive crashed and let’s just say I’m still working my way through emails that I should have taken care of…like last week. LOL. If you’ve written me and haven’t heard back from me, give me another week or so please.
Our first interview is with Victoria Wells.
Victoria: Sure, Dyanne. I have multiple personalities – wife, mother, nurse practitioner and author. Most days we blend very well together. Lately, the “author” has been out of control. I write multicultural romance.
Dyanne: Victoria, I love the way the mind of an author operates so I'm going to give you a task. You character is at a fancy party that she wasn't invited to. The hostess asks who she is. Write me a two line scene telling how your character gets out of this
Victoria: Bianca’s mind is frantically racing to come up with a plausible response. Tilting her chin, with the flare of a diva, she announces, “I’m the entertainment,” as she sashay past the hostess to center stage accompanying the live jazz band.
Dyanne: Now in two or three lines give me your perfect writer's fantasy.
Victoria: Since my characters talk to me late at night into the wee hours of the morning, finding out I’m a filthy rich heiress would work for me. I would definitely work part-time (I love working with my patients) and write full-time. Writing into the wee hours of the morning doesn’t work when you have to be up at six in the morning.
Dyanne: I have the power to grant one of your wishes. I also have the power to know if you're being honest. Now tell me what wish you'd like for me to grant.
Victoria: What? Are you for real? Debt free! I don’t want to owe anybody… anything! LOL
Dyanne: Share with the RSJ family something that you don't want anyone to ever find out about.
Victoria: Uhhhhh, is this a trick question? Why would I tell if I don’t want anyone to find out? Why would I tell if I don't want anyone to find out? Okay, okay, RSJ family I'm terrified of public speaking. I cringe whenever I have to do a presentation in front of a large group of folks. However, in a small intimate setting I could talk for hours.
Dyanne: What projects are in the works for you?
Victoria: I’m currently working on my third novel, Key to My Heart.
Dyanne: Where can readers reach you?
www.victoria-wells.com or author@victoria-wells.com
Interview with Author Pamela Starr
Dyanne: I've been asking authors to share stories of the craziest thing to happen to them since beginning this journey. Do you have any stories?
Pamela: You’re right about a writing life being a journey. It’s been a long, winding road, ten years long. Wow! Has it really been a decade already? How times does fly when you’re writing.
Stories, you ask? Do I have stories? Well, I haven’t had too many crazy things happen to me, as a matter of fact, this writing journey has been down right normal and that’s coming from an abbi-normal kind of girl. But I have had a number of interesting encounters. Book signing encounters. Book signing encounters with men: young men, middle-age men, old men not to mention men of every size, shape and color. Men I never expected to stop and talk to a romance novelist.
Why did they stop and what did they have to say? Check it out:
- “I need to buy one of your books because it’s going to help me understand women,” said a middle-aged man wearing a bewildered, yet sincere expression.
- “I’m hoping that reading this book will help me with my love life,” an excited young man declared as he clinched a signed copy of CHANCES.
- “Australian men love African-American women! That should be your next book,” was the advice given to me by a tall, rugged Australian. I jumped on this idea. I’ve written the first chapter and outlined the entire story. It’s been sitting on the shelf for the last 8 years. My problem? I need some serious on-site research to finish the book. Anyone open to funding an Australian research adventure?
Pamela: An entire cruise ship reserved for my extensive family (I am number 10 of 13 kids) for a 2-week European all expense paid vacation.
Dyanne: Now, let's say I have the power to grant any wish other than the one you just named. What would that wish be?
Pamela: That my three children discover the one thing that each is passionate about, and to have the courage to turn it into a life-long meaningful career.
If you can’t make that wish come true how about a six month stay on any and all National Best Selling Lists!
Dyanne: Since you’ve been so nice, both wishes are granted. Now tell me, where can readers reach you?
Pamela: Visit me on my Blog http://360.yahoo.com/pamelalstarr99
You can also email me at pamelalstarr99@yahoo.com
Thanks Pamela.
Dyanne: Note to the rest of the RSJ family: I’m still looking for interviews both from readers and writers.
Secondly: Don’t forget to go to Red Rose Publishing to check out the stories for the Destination Romance anthology. As I write this AlTonya’s story is live. The others will be in a matter of days. In December all of the stories will be bound in a print edition and all of them take place on our cruise next year just in case you didn’t know. Remember ever penny goes for charity. Even Red Rose and the graphic designer are donating their profits.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Interview with Author Francis Ray

Francis: A spa vacation package for 7 days at Lake Austin Spa and Resort.Dyanne: I hope you get a chance to make your wish your true. Can you tell us a secret that no one knows about you?
Francis: I'm terrified each time I start plotting/writing a new book.
Dyanne: Francis, you have no idea how many aspiring writers will be helped by your answers to that question. Thank you. Now tell us the secret you don't want anyone to find out.

Dyanne: That’s a big hint. And since I’ve been giving my sister the excuse for years that writers don’t have time to clean I’m always happy to have back up support. LOL. Francis, can you tell us what’s on your already full plate for the rest of the year?
Francis: I just finished IT HAD TO BE YOU, book # 4 of the Grayson Friends Series which is scheduled for release May 2010. Two weeks ago I sent back the first proof pages for ONE NIGHT WITH YOU, the November 03, 2009 release and book # 3 in the Grayson Friends Series. Before that it was first proof pages of IF YOU WERE MY MAN, book # 5 of the Invincible Women Series due out February 2010.. After a few days of down time, I'll start the research for my next mainstream family series tentatively titled Texas Titans: The Warricks. Of course I'll also have to write the next book in the Grayson Friends Series. I also have a couple of out of town book signings scheduled. Thankfully, it never ends.
Dyanne: I’d like to add that Francis Ray is doing a blog tour in October. She’s even going to stop by my blog. http://dyannedavis.blogspot.com/. I don’t want to brag but I received and read

Francis: Email: francisray@aol.com
Thanks for the interview. Dyanne, if I may, I'd like to thank readers. Their wonderful support helped NOBODY BUT YOU hit the New York Times and the U.S.A. Today bestselling list the first week the book was out. In mid July NOBODY BUT YOU won Border's Bestselling Multicultural romance for 2008. I appreciate my readers so very much. Thank you for helping me succeed.
Interview with Author RaeLynn Blue

RayLynn: Hello Dyanne!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Interview with Author Brenda Jackson

Dyanne: Brenda, thank you for taking the time to check in with the RSJ family. You just returned from your cruise, can you tell us what you would have written differently had it been in one of your books?
Dyanne: That sounds like a lot of fun to mix a little reality with creativity. As I warned you, my questions are a little strange, so thanks for playing along. Here goes: We know your heroines know their way around horses, but can you tell us what one would do if faced with a big, black stallion that has fallen madly in love with her and is terribly jealous of the hero, to the point of being vicious.
Brenda: Umm, a horse jealous of a man...
I think my heroine would baby the horse and let him get to know the hero and see he's no threat. In the end, she will have them both eating out of her hands!

Brenda: Spend a week on a private nude beach with just me and my hubby.

Dyanne: Are you really going to have one of your Madaris books made into a movie? If so, you know the RSJ family will burn me alive if I don't ask you to tell us about it. That is if you can. Congratulations!! It's about time.
Brenda: Yes, I'm working on the script as we speak. My son's company Five Alive Film (who's been doing my booktrailers) will handle it for me. I'm looking forward to doing several of my books into full length made-for TV movies or direct to DVD
Interview with Author Laura Guevara

Dyanne: Laura, I totally loved your speech. Congratulation on the award. Let’s see how you handle the next question. You've now been asked to represent Earth on another planet of your choosing. Which planet will it be and what three items will you carry with you?
Hmmm…let’s see I would take a camera to take pictures of everything, a suitcase filled with my favorite things to give to them as gifts (and then I will bring it back filled with lots and lots of souvenirs), and hot sauces. Yes hot sauce because I add it on pretty much everything I can.
Laura: I have several WIPs that I am in the process of finishing. One will be published through Beautiful Trouble Publishing and several short stories can be found in Shara Azod’s Naughty Bites.
I will also be finishing some projects with Drea Riley my writing partner in crime. So there will be plenty more stories from me in the near future.
http://www.lauraguevara.com/ (Website that I share with my writing partner Drea Riley. And its going to be going some updates soon) http://www.badazzauthors.com/ (Learn more about the great authors of the BAA) http://www.redrosepublishing.com/ (Where Weekend Chase, can be purchased)
Interview with Reader Rolanda Bradshaw
Rolanda, welcome to the RSJ blog. Thank you for agreeing to talk. Would you please tell the RSJ family about you, your family and what you like to do?
Rolanda: Well, let's see.....I am single and work in the mental heath field. I have a very spoiled dog who thinks she runs me. She is getting old but she will always be my baby. :-) I like to shop...I need to stop shopping! I also love to read, go to the movies and hang out with friends. Besides my day job, I also started an author promo business with my friend Von. I had been a moderator for a few author friends for awhile and thought it was about time to start my own biz...okay, I have to admit, it took a bit of a kick in the butt from some very persistent girlfriends! lol
Dyanne: Isn’t it a God send to have girlfriends who will give the needed kick in the butt. (LOL) So, Rolanda how long have you been interested in romance?
Rolanda: I have been reading romance for the past 3-4 years. I was a little late to the game. :-)
Dyanne: Better late than never. We’re happy to have you. What other genre do you read?
Rolanda: I primarily read romance. I read various subgenres within romance....I/R, M/C, Paranormal, Mystery etc.
Dyanne: That’s good to know. I would ask what you would do if you could be in one place with a lot of your famous authors but that will be true when the RSJ cruise occurs. (HINT HINT) So I will ask what three things would you like to ask your favorite authors?
Rolanda: That is a difficult one. I have the pleasure to know a few authors now, so I am able to quench my curiosity very easily, but I guess I would ask: 1) What was it like to publish your first story? 2) If there was only one more story that you could write, what would it be? 3) What makes you unique and why should a reader want to read your stories?
I could go on and on.....I love reading but I really like talking to authors. It has been a blast getting to know some very talented ladies that write their asses off!
Dyanne: I’m like you, Rolanda. I’m fascinated to learn what makes writers tick. What would you like to see more of in the books you read?
Rolanda: You know I have been quite happy with the books that I have read. Most of them have been a pleasure to read. I always appreciate an alpha male that knows how to treat a strong, resilient, and intelligent female. I want to see more stories with regular people living real lives...facing adversities and learning from them. It is nice to have stories that are fantastical, but sometimes I want to be able to relate to the heroine in the story. I want to feel what it is like to be her....I want to be able to dream her dreams and experience her happily ever after. I guess that is what I want more of....not too much to ask for, is it? lol
Dyanne: Thank you Rolanda
Until next month, everyone stay safe. To all who have contributed and haven’t seen your interview up yet, don’t worry it’s going to be put up. I’d still love to have more readers email me davisdyanne@aol.com. You may not have seen Rolanda’s answer as to whether or not the interview was painful but she enjoyed it. For real.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
A Message From Dyanne Davis
I’d like to start this month with a BIG ‘Thank You.’ Deatri put out an SOS and the authors came pouring out. It felt like Christmas, and believe me it came at just the right moment. I was seriously considering ending the blog.
The intent of the blog is to keep the RSJ family connected and up to date on what’s happening with the authors and readers. It was meant to be our bridge between visits. Deatri tells me that you’re stopping by, if you could say hello it would be most appreciated.
To the readers: This newsletter is for you. I would love to feature a reader each month along with the authors. As Dee would say, “Don’t be scuuuurd.” I won’t bite. Write me and let’s have some fun. davisdyanne@aol.com
To the authors: Again thank you for your support. I will notify you when your interviews will be up in the coming months.
Dyanne Davis
An Interview with Shirley Hailstock

her his child. Life changes dramatically for the both of them. The book got a 4 ½ stars (out of 5) from Romantic Times BookClub Reviews.

And then the Black Alumni Association invited me to speak at one of their meetings. The place was packed and people stayed until the very end. I got a lot of great questions and people were eager to find out how to write a book.
And my friend says -- "And you don't want to do book signing..."
Dyanne: Shirley, thank you for the interview. Again I wish you lots of luck in July. Where can the readers reach you?
An Interview with Author Iris Bolling

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Interview with Author Rochelle Alers

Rochelle: I’m proud of each and every award I’ve won. But the one thatbrought me particular pride was winning the Zora Neale Hurston Literaryaward in 2004. I’m extremely proud of that award.
Dyanne: I can understand how special that award would be. Justbeing in the running would be an honor. Rochelle, I’ve found that allauthors have a few stories about crazy things that have happened to20them during their career. What’s the craziest thing you ever had tohappen to you?
Rochelle: There have been a lot of crazy things. The one that comes tomind at the moment involves a reader who wrote to me and took me totask because she’d read one of my books and the H/H had made lovewithout benefit of marriage. I politely tried to explain that thegenre that I was writing for had changed, that the bedroom door was nowopen and love scenes were written with a bit more detail. I thoughtthat was the end of it….but no. The reader wrote to me again thatshe’d read VOWS and liked some things but complained once agai

Dyanne: LOL. Rochelle, I’m laughing but I know exactly what you mean.And I have a funny thought that I won’t share right as I’m going to askyou the next question. What is your most decadent ( G- rated) wish?
Rochelle: I’d love to take a month off with no deadline starring me inthe face and just go off to a tropical island and sit and read forpleasure. I’d take my favorite books, old ones that I know like an oldfriend, books that will give me nothing but pleasure.
Dyanne: That’s agreat wish but I know you said earlier in ourconversation that you have to deliver a book every two months so youwon’t have anytime soon to do that. But I’m going to keep my fingerscrossed for you. That leads us into what’s on your plate for the restof 2009
Rochelle: What isn't on my plate? You're right I'm on deadline rightnow. I've already had several books to hit the shelves this year.There was my first Kimani Romance: BITTERSWEET LOVE and NAUGHTY awomen's fiction title. I also have my Best Men series: MAN OF FATE,MAN OF FORTUNE and MAN OF FANTASY.

My writing schedule continues to be hectic, challenging me creativelyto come up with engaging characters and interesting plots. What's upfor 2010 and beyond? A new family series, at least one Hideaway andwomen's fiction novel each year, and two Eatons every year. If youlike families, then you'll have your pick of three from me.
I'm looking forward to meeting new friends and reconnecting with old ones when we set sail next year. Being out on the ocean will give usthe time and opportunity to bond and become a Slam Jam family in everytrue sense of the word.
Rochelle: Anything for the Slam Jam family.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Interview with Author Wayne Jordan

Wayne: Oh, there are so many and now that I’m diabetic, I dream of a land made of chocolate where I can eat to my heart’s content. I love chocolate! And I miss it. Sugar free chocolate while nice just doesn’t give me that sensual rush.

Interview with Aspiring Author Darlene Cole
Darlene: When my name was announced, I was speechless, it was such an honor. Since then I've written another story, and continue honing my writing skills.
Dyanne: Did entering the contest make you work harder toward your goal or has it had the opposite affect?
Darlene: My goal has always been to become a published author. What the contest did was make me realize I could be published. So I guess you can say the contest has made me work harder to achieve that goal.
Dyanne: Tell us a little about you, what you write, what you read and what you're doing now.
Darlene: I live in Saratoga, NY. That's about 150 miles north of New York City and about 150 miles south of the Canada border. I have two grown daughter and two teenage grandchildren. And, I've just celebrated my sixtieth birthday.
As far as what I write, my motto is: "I write the type of stories I like to read." Basically they're romantic, but I like including different issues. One story is about a young couple who receives a lesson on commitment from a World War II veteran. Another one tells of a man's personal growth as realizes his love for a woman of color.
I am a romance junkie, but will read any book that catches my fancy. I've just finished reading E. Lynn Harris book; "Basketball Jones." Right now, I'm finishing up a novelette I call "My Everything." It was inspired by a question asked at RSJ '08 as to why aren't many stories written about a full figure women getting the fine looking brothers? We know it happens.
Dyanne: Are there plans to attend another conference? Are you going to attend the cruise?
Darlene: I'll answer your second question first, I plan on being on the cruise and because of that I'm only doing a few local conferences this year.
Dyanne: Is there anyplace you call home that we can visit and maybe sample some of your work.
Darlene: I wish there was. Right now, I'm trying to set up my web page once it up I will be announcing it to the world, because I would love for people to read my stories.
Dyanne: Darlene, I wish you the best of luck in your career. Thanks for doing the interview.
Darlene: Thank you Dyanne
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Interview with Author Patricia Sargeant

SWEET DECEPTION, Kensington Publishing, June 2009TAILS OF LOVE, Berkley Publishing, June 2009 http://www.patriciasargeant.com/ Romances To Die For
Interview with Author J.S. Hawley

J.S. The one thing about me is that my friends and family are always in my heart. That I still smile at strangers and say good-morning. No I don't know the guy on the cover of my first book Come With Me but the guy described inside is based on a real man. When I knew him ('97-'98) he had long hair, nipple piercings, light skin, and he (let's call him 'Leslie') got me. I'd love to put out a national ad (and reward) and see if I could locate him. So if you know the guy...